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Hi, Joan.  I note the Moylough webpage which discussed your Griffin ancestors from Ballinrooaun, Parish Moylough, and your visit there in 2014. 

We have extensively searched for our Griffin-Connelly ancestors in Galway for many years. Eleven members of our family have had DNA testing. From DNA matches and the documentary records, it appears they may have arisen from east-southeast of Tuam, within perhaps a 7km radius of Moylough. 

I am interested to know if any of your Griffin Ballinrooaun descendants have had DNA testing.  Would you be willing to email me about this? 

Thank you. Maureen Reed


Wednesday 2nd Oct 2019, 03:57PM

Message Board Replies

  • Maureen:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I appended your comment to the original message from Joan. The original message goes back to 2013. If Joan has the same e-mail address then she will get a notification that you posted a comment.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 2nd Oct 2019, 04:04PM
  • Hi Maureen,

    I am not aware of any Michael Griffin in our Griffin family tree.  My earliest record is John Griffin born 1817 which is probably not a sibling due to the age difference.  Also all my Griffin ancestors migrated to the Boston area.

    I personally have not done a DNA test and do not currently subscribe to  However my mother's sister did do an ancestry DNA test a few years ago.  Did you get any close matches with your test? She would be three generations removed from my John Griffin ancestor. I will see her next week so can try to find out her test results number.  Will let you know what I find out.




    Thursday 3rd Oct 2019, 09:24PM
  • Thanks ever so much for your quiick reply, Joan.  Yes, my sister's DNA is through Ancestry, and I would be eager to look there for your aunt's results.  If she has not uploaded to, could you ask if she'd be willing to do so?  (It's free, highly reputable, and rather simple.) Many of my other family members have tested through FamTreeDNA, so GedMatch would be the best way to see if any of these match w/your aunt.  As you suggest in your note, if there is a relationship, it is at best 3rd cousins and more likely to be 4th, 5th, etc.  

    Please feel free to share my contact info with your aunt. We are probably best served by trading these names and kit #s through private email. Thank you again. 








    Thursday 3rd Oct 2019, 11:18PM
  • Hi, Joan.  If you had an opportunity to visit your aunt earlier this month as mentioned, I'd be intensely curious:

    1. if she has uploaded her DNA to GedMatch or is willing to do so.  

    2. what name she used in  I am eager to look for this when analyzing my sister's Ancestry matches.  My sister is listed as "R.R." 

    3. if she is aware of any other Griffin Ballinruane descendants who have done DNA testing. 

    Thanks, Joan











    Tuesday 29th Oct 2019, 01:57AM
  • Hi Maureen,

    I am afraid this is a dead end.  I am sorry about that but my Aunt is 91 and no longer knows what her password is or her user name or if she even wrote the information down.  She had only provided me with a report of her ancestory mix.

    I am the genealogist in the family and am not aware of any others having a DNA test.



    Tuesday 29th Oct 2019, 02:18PM
  • HI, Joan.  I’m not one bit surprised that at age 91 things like passwords and usernames lose their importance.  You’re lucky to have an elderly aunt with decades of wisdom, perspective and memories.  I agree with you; this does seem like a dead end. The only other thing would be that if you are comfortable giving me her full name (including married name), I’ll search my sister’s Ancestry matches and see if any reasonable facsimile appears.  Then we should leave it at that.




    Wednesday 30th Oct 2019, 02:11PM
  • Hi Joan and Maureen

    We had correcsponded previously re: Griffins as I admin the local FB DNA group for Menlough / Killascobe 

    Joan - it would be wonderfu if you could revive your aunt's account as she is one generation closer to the common ancestry You would need to call ancestry when you are with her and just provide her email address or even use her email address on and click change password If she has forgotten her email password then she can change the email address via ancestry phone call 

    It would be too bad if it went to waste 


    MartinCurley, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 3rd Nov 2019, 12:30PM
  • Hi, Joan.

    We corresponded in 2019 about your Griffin ancestors of Ballyruane, Moylough, Galway. Having re-read the even earlier correspondence between yourself, Jimmy Lally and Martin Curley, I am envious of the important details Jimmy brought to your attention.  That seemed to anchor your research and led to your dramatic trip!

    Having just returned from my 4th trip to Galway, I’m hoping for the same kind of anchor on my Griffin ancestors.

    I have two questions of a delicate nature:

    1. Is your Griffin uncle still with us?
    2. If so, I'd be deeply grateful to correspond with him. Could you ask him if he’s willing to correspond with me?

    Feel free to reply here or to my email

    Thanks, Joan.



    Tuesday 14th May 2024, 03:49PM

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