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Hello! Found 1825 tax record for Jas Mohan, but no birth record of Jas (James?). Source is Ireland Tithe Aplotmemt Books 1814-1855. Also could not find birth records of the names found with him on a ship manifest: Jno, Sam, Wm, Ann, Mary Gomkey, Ed Gomkey.  Much obliged for any assistance!

Wednesday 1st Aug 2018, 04:30AM

Message Board Replies

  • UpstateNY:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Unfortunately, the RC baptismal records for Ballysadare parish start in 1842 so there would be no record of James' baptism if he was from that parish.  Marriage records start in 1858.

    You may want to add James' story to our XO Chronicles site…;  and possibly someone will see a connection.

    Have you considered DNA testing?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 1st Aug 2018, 03:30PM
  • Roger - Thank you for your quick reply! I will post to Chronicles and cross my fingers. I will also try to connect with a volunteer in the area, as we plan to visit County Sligo 8/20-8/26. It has taken a while to get this far, so we’re hoping we can find out more while there!

    Thursday 2nd Aug 2018, 02:15AM
  • Hi UpstateNY:  

    I will follow up with a volunteer for your visit to Co. Sligo. If you have any further questions, please contact me directly at:

    Kind regards,  


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 3rd Aug 2018, 07:14AM

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