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I was wondering if anyone has done as genealogy research in this area. My 2xgf was born in Carrowkeel, Burriscarra. 1840's. I will be in Ireland next week and am trying to find out where I can do some local research. I tried the library but they don't seem to have any records specific to this area. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Also does anyone know where the Burriscarra cemetery is located?


Sunday 1st Apr 2018, 03:35PM

Message Board Replies

  • Eileen:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The records for Burriscarra/Ballintober parish start in 1839 and here is a link to the register from 1839-1880  Roots Ireland is a subscription site and has the Burriscarra records from 1839-1900 with a search process which saves time compared to scanning the parish register. If there is anyone in particular you need to search, let me know.

    I could not find exact directions to the cemetery but you can contact St. Mary's church in Carnacon…

    You should also visit Ballintubber Abbey which is nearby.

    Here is a link to the 1856 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Burriscarra civil parish.

    Let me know if you have questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 1st Apr 2018, 09:50PM
  • Thanks Roger for the info. I will find a map and look for these cemetaries.​ ​Unfortunatly my family (Corby) is not listed in the Griffith or Tithe Alotlement logs. I plan on checking land records when I get to Dublin and see if there are records there. And yes I love the parish records online. This is how I found my 2 ancestors.




    Monday 9th Apr 2018, 08:36PM
  • Hi Eileen,

    I apologize for not seeing this sooner and responding. There is a cemetery at the ruins of the Burriscarra Abbey where some of my ancestors from Carnacon are buried. Very helpfully there is a website where the graves in both that cemetery and the cemetery at the church in Carnacon are listed and photographed:

    NOTE: both cemeteries come up under Carnacon and the map shown calls the abbey Carnacon Abbey but the actual name is Burriscarra Abbey.

    Hope you find some relatives there!


    Thursday 24th Oct 2019, 03:13PM

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