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Hello, I'm searching for my Ancestor William Willis who married Rebecca ? in Kilmocomoge, Cork, Ireland in 1845 and then settled in New Brunswick Canada. Can anyone add info. Thank you.

Sunday 9th Dec 2018, 09:06PM

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  • The marriage is included in Civil record index so must have been a non-Catholic marriage - i.e. Church of Ireland , registry office etc. The only cross matching name with the same references is a Rebecca's surname also given as Willis. The references are Bantry registration district, year 1845, volume  2, page 453. The early marriages are not included yet on the IrishGenealogy website but will be added at some stage.

    There's a partial extract of the marriage on FamilySearch which includes a date 19th July 1845 and mentions Kilmocomoge, which is the name of a civil and Church of Ireland parish. The parish includes the town of Bantry.

    You can order a research marriage cert from the GRO for €4 to establish further details - see option 1a on this page  The civil marriage register should include date and place of the marriage residences for the bride & groom, usually the name of the townland or town they lived in, their father's names and names of witnesses to the marriage usually two. Occupations are also given for the father's and groom - sometimes the bride, marital status is recorded for the bride and groom - e.g. bachelor, widow etc and also ages although often just as 'full age' which means 21 years or over.

    The Tithe Applotment Records dated 1829 show a Mr. Willis holding a small property at Town Lots West-side in Kilmocomoge parish, Town Lots is tthe name is a townland which covered most of the town of Bantry and parts of the surrounding area ... this "Mr Willis" could possibly be your William, his father or other relation...

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 10th Dec 2018, 04:28PM
  • Thank you very much Sir, for the info you provided. I have a few bits of information that can be added for William Willis. How likely would it be that Rebecca could also be a Willis? Maybe a second cousin? Who knows. He is listed as a Butcher when arriving in New Brunswick, Canada in 1848. Most of my research on Ancestry has been limited to North America. I have no idea where I would look for Ship's records and such. He was included in the 1851 Census of Canada. Well, I'll stop rambling now. I will try to include North American records for him tomorrow. Thank you again for your reply and your time. My best regards,

    Bert Willis

    Monday 10th Dec 2018, 11:14PM

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