News from County Derry

Taylor Swift - Irish Ancestry

Taylor Swift is a Derry Girl

When: Wednesday, 26 June, 2024

Taylor Swift is a Derry Girl

Robert Boyde, Irish Freedom Fighter

Robert Boyd, a local hero and Freedom Fighter in Málaga, Spain

When: Wednesday, 20 March, 2024

Nestled in a quiet corner, up against her 17th-century walls, and less than 400 meters from the busting Foyleside and Richmond shopping centers in the heart of Derry city, can be found St. Augustine's Church (pictured below).

McCook family of Garvagh, County Derry

From Edenbane, Ireland to Edenbann, Australia

When: Wednesday, 10 January, 2024

The following family story which I first researched in 1988 and then told in the introduction to my Pocket Guide to Irish Genealogy (first published 1991, Clearfield Company, Baltimore, Maryland) “sums up for me what makes genealogy and the study of one’s family tree such an absorbing and fascina

The Minnehaha

New York and the Green Yacht from Derry

When: Tuesday, 5 September, 2023

Over one hundred million Americans can trace an ancestor who arrived, from 1892, in the United States at Ellis Island. 

From Ireland to Syndney in 100 Days - Letters from Passengners

From Ireland to Sydney in 100 Days - Letters from Passengers

When: Wednesday, 20 September, 2023

By 1830 Ulster was in crisis. In the preceding 50 years she had experienced an unparalleled period of population growth which was reflected in chronic under-employment in agriculture, which was by far her largest employer.

From Derry to Canada

Irish Migration from Derry to Canada

When: Monday, 6 December, 2021

From the late 1600s, in the age of the sailing ships, to the onset of the Second World War in 1939, when the last transatlantic steamer sailed from the port, Derry was one of the principal emigration ports in Irel

County in Focus - Derry

County in Focus - Derry

When: Wednesday, 30 November, 2022

County Derry, also known as Londonderry or Doire in Irish and is one of the six counties in Northern Ireland. Derry is famous for its old intact city walls which surround the city and for the pretty Sperrin Mountains and Lough Neagh.

John Steinbeck: I Go Back to Ireland

John Steinbeck: I Go Back To Ireland

When: Tuesday, 11 July, 2023

John Steinbeck, Nobel prize-winning author visited County Derry, Northern Ireland, in August 1952, in search of his roots. He wrote from Derry city, on 17 August 1952, to his friend and editor Pat Covici:

The Faithful Steward

The Story of the Ship Faithful Steward


The emigration trade established Londonderry as one of the chief Irish ports for transatlantic trade in the 18th century. Links between the cities of Londonderry and Philadelphia were established through trade.

Philadelphia: The Irish Gateway to America

Philadelphia: The Irish Gateway to America

When: Tuesday, 21 March, 2023

Between 1717 and the beginning of the War of American Independence in 1776, 250,000 Scots-Irish, often
