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Sunday 16th Jun 2013, 07:17AM

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  • Thank you for this wonderful site.


    I was wondering if you had any information about my ancestors Hugh Kildea, from Leamaneigh, Parish of Clonloghan who was a farmer and married Margaret Collins.


    Their son Patrick (born 1843) was my great great grandfather and he went to New Zealand (it appears) and lived in North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (I live in Morwell, Victoria, Australia).  Patrick married Honora Lahiff (from County Limerick).

    Besides my great great grandfather Patrick, Hugh & Margaret Kildea had 2 other children I know of (a relative found thy were recorded in the Clonloghan Parish Baptism Records [which they were told only began during the 1820s]).  These other 2 children were Bridget (17/4/1831) & Margaret (10/4/1833).  Patrick may not have a baptism record (?)


    If you could shed any light on Hugh, Margaret (nee Collins) and their son Patrick, I would be very appreciative.


    Also, in my research I am finding associations with the name Kildea coming from MacGillegea originally (Mac Giolla Dhe (apparently meaning son of the follower of God [in Gaelic]).


    Sources I have found suggest the Kildeas (today my mother's family name is spelt Kilday) were associated and/or somehow related to the Fitzgerald family (Earls of Kildare)?  I am wondering whether my ancestors were also associated with Rory O'Donnell of Donegal (back in the late 16th and early 17th century)?  You may not have any of this information, but I really appreciate your time.


    My family would love it if you could help us with information about our ancestors.


    Thank you for our time,


    Kind regards,


    Ann Pulbrook


    Sunday 16th Jun 2013, 07:32AM
  • Dear Ann:


    The parish that you refer to is part of the present day parish of Newmarket-on-Fergus.  You should have a look at the Clare County Library website.  It's address is:  You will find a lot of information there with regard to the various parishes in the county as well as the Tithe Applotment Books (1820s) and Griffith's Valuation (1855).  I note that Hugh Kildea was indeed in Clonloghan in the Tithe Applotment Books.  You can also click on the interactive County Clare map at http://  Clonloghan parish is number 71.  If you click on that number, you will be taken to a page showing you what resources are available to look at online.


    The very best of luck with your research!


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 16th Jun 2013, 06:29PM
  • Thanks very much Jane.  That's exciting! :-)

    Monday 17th Jun 2013, 10:21AM

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