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Mary Minogue was born on March 21, 1873 to Denis Minogue and Anne Hogan.  Mary was one of at least 5 children; the others were Margaret (born 1872), Michael (born 1876), James (born 1878), and Denis (born 1880), all in Feakle.  Mary emigrated to the U.S. at some point.  She may have lived in St. Louis, where she probably met Michael O'Toole.  They were married and moved to Chicago, where Mary died in 1921, leaving Michael with 4 children.

Thursday 4th May 2017, 06:57PM

Message Board Replies

  • tmh10:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I will alert our parish liaison for a neighboring parish about your message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 4th May 2017, 07:00PM
  • Dear tmh10:


    Many thanks for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board and welcome to the site.

    If you would like to contact me at:, I will be able to give you more information.


    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Thursday 4th May 2017, 07:07PM
  • Hi

    Just joined this forum.  I believe there is a tombstone in Feakle graveyard which shows Denis Minogue and Anne Hogan from Glenbonniff.  He died 1938-July 10, was born about 1843.  He was the son of Michael Minogue 1805-1886.  When Michael died 1886-02-15 it was noted on the civil record that son Denis was present.   Anne Hogan died 1918-Jul 02, was born about 1841.  On the marriage record 1871-02-20 it said she was the daughter of Michael Hogan, a farmer in Annagh. It also mentioned Denis father Michael,

    I saw another poster in 2013 posted about Denis Joseph Minogue from Glenbonnif who emigrated to the US.  This would have been a brother to Mary perhaps.  James Minogue, who erected the tombstone would be another brother.  I have not mapped out the other descendants but they should be findable! 

    Kindest regards

    Richard Minogue


    Sunday 27th May 2018, 04:49PM
  • Dear tmh10 and RMinogue:


    Thanks for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board and for the information that you have shared.

    The Clare Library website is a good place for you to start with your research.  The link is below:

    It contains the transcriptions from the Feakle Lower baptism register which began in 1860.  In addition, there is lots of other information relating to Feakle parish including graveyard transcriptions, emigrants who went through Ellis Island, and other items of interest.

    You should also look at the 1901 & 1911 Census Returns for the Minogues and Hogans.  You can view these for free online at:

    Another source of information is the Irish Genealogy websitte which contains records of the Civil Registration which began in Ireland in 1864.  This is another free site and is listed below for your reference:

    If you have not done so, an Ancestor profile can be created for your ancestor (s) under the XO Chronicles tab which is located at the upper right of the page. 

    If you have any further questions, please let me know by replying to this thread.

    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 28th May 2018, 02:19PM
  • Hello from Chicago, IL,

    Richard Minogue who replied to your message is part of a group of Minouge descendants whose DNA all match.  We are working of determining how we are all related and we are making great progress.  One of our group, Cheryl, has Denis Minogue as her ancestor.

    My e-mail is

    Have you done your DNA?

    Megan Zepeda who has also used this site is a cousin.  My great grandmother, Anne Mingoue Loughnane, and her great great grandmother, Mary Ellen Minogue, were sisters.

    All the best,  Paddy Savage


    Monday 28th May 2018, 08:31PM
  • Minogue not Minouge in my post above!!!!


    Monday 28th May 2018, 08:32PM

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