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My ancestors are the Murphys. Patrick Murphy from Coolsupeen. He married Bridget Kelly and they had seven children...Michael, Patrick, Peter, Jack, Eileen, Annie and Catherine. After Bridget passed away, Patrick married Susan Keane. They had three children, Mary, Susan and Joe. My grandfather was Jack (John) who came and settled in Jersey City, New Jersey in 1906. I would love to hear from anyone who is a member of this family or who knows of them. 

Wednesday 2nd Sep 2015, 04:59PM

Message Board Replies

  • Maureen:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Here is a link to the online Irish phone book   I would search for Murphys in County Clare (make sure you use the Residential Tab). You will get 170 entires. Some are near Ballynacally which is in Kilchreest parish. You may want to drop them a line or call them to see if there is a connection. Murphy is so common you may not have any success.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 2nd Sep 2015, 05:23PM
  • My great grandfather Michael Murphy, and his two brothers, Thomas and Patrrick emigrated to the US in the 1850's. Thier father was Patrick Murphy and the mother was Catherine McDonald Murphy( or similar name). We were told they came from County Clare.


    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    Tuesday 8th Mar 2022, 11:02PM
  • Hi Joann2719: 


    You should definitely check out the Clare Library website.  Their website address is:  The genealogy section has a lot of very good resources that will help you to narrow your search down.  If you have any further information about your great grandfaather and his brothers that you would like to share, please feel free to email me at: and I will try to help you.  

    All the best,



    Jane H, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 9th Mar 2022, 09:24PM
  • Jane,


    Thank you for your reply. I will certainly check out the library website.




    Thursday 10th Mar 2022, 09:11PM
  • Hi JoAnn: 


    No problem, and please feel free to get back to me if you need further assistance.  I know the transcriber for the parish records in Kilkeedy so I can contact him for further information if needed.


    All the best,



    Jane H, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 11th Mar 2022, 09:39PM

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