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Hello and thank you for reading my message! I am looking for any information regarding John O'Dea and Honora Liddane. I believe them to be from Moyarta Parish, perhaps Moveen, Carrigaholt or near Kilkee.

John O'Dea (born about 1803 and died about 1854) in County Clare. He married Honora Liddane (born about 1802). It may be a second marriage, I'm not sure. They have 7 children. Bridget (1823) Peter (1827) Mary (1830) Stephen (1831) John (1838) Honora (1848) Margaret (1852). (The Honora and Margaret birth dates confuse me compared to older sibs, which make me think they were adopted.)

Starting in about 1849 the children come in pairs to the US. When John O'Dea Sr. dies (about 1854) the children send for their mother. She shows up in the US in 1860 documentation. Peter and Bridget stay in the Watkins Glen NY area and the rest settle in Winona, Minnesota.

Bridget married John Kelly. Peter married Honora Fauls, perhaps about 1848 in Ireland. Mary married Michael Lynch. Stephen married Bridget Kain. John married Mary O'Conner. Honora married Patrick McElligott. Margaret married Daniel Keane.

I am speculating they are from Moyarta parish because of the following:

I see both John O'Dea and Stephen Liddane familes living on farms next to each other in Moveen West in the Tithe Applotment Books.

A nephew of Honora Liddane, named Stephen (married to Jane Maloney), listed Doonaha (or Dunaker or Dunaher, it's hard to read), near Kilkee, as his home parish in 1863 military records. (His father was John Liddane, his mother listed as Mary.)

They only listed County Clare in any documentation State side. I'd like to narrow the location down if possible!

Thanks for any help!



Wednesday 10th Jul 2013, 05:22AM

Message Board Replies

  • Pat:

    I think you are in the right location. There is a Doonaha village in Moyarta civil parish (as well as Doonaha West and Doonaha East townlands). Kilkee is in Kilfearagh parish which is the next parish north along the coast from Moyarta parish.

    if you have not used this site before, you may want to look at the Clare Library site. I have also include an 1842 map of Moyarta from the library. You can see Doonaha and Moveen.!-9.635Z12O5a9


    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 10th Jul 2013, 03:54PM
  • Hi to Pat Britt, from New Zealand :

    I have transcribed the "complete"** Jan1852 / Jan1853 to March 17th 1878 Marriage & Baptism Catholic Register for Carrigaholt, which then included Querrin, Doonaha / Dunaha , Kilbaha, Cross, Kilballyowen Moneen & Moveen.

    **There are probably around 30% of the entries completely missing by accident, and around 30% of the remaining words misspelled, doubtful or unreadable.     

    I'll try to attach the Marriages to here -- because it is just under the 1MByte limit.

    I can email the Baptisms to you if you contact me at  MURRAY@GINNANE.CO.NZ ?


    Murray Michael Ginnane

    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 12:34AM
  • Thanks for you encouragement, Roger!


    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 03:14AM
  • Hi Murry Michael (Michael Murry?) I have a new computer here without Office installed yet. I'd enjoy looking at any thing you could send me at! Thanks! Pat

    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 03:17AM
  • Hi pat i live in doonaha. My father says it would be an area of newtown near moveen west. My dads oldest living relative maura naughton nee liddane may know more. Regards pat

    Monday 15th Jul 2013, 08:09AM
  • Thank you, Pat, if you could ask Maura for any information!

    I am curious about John O'Dea and Honora Liddane. (My GG Grandparents.) However, I have the most certain information, because of military records, about the nephew of Honora Liddane: Stephen Michael Liddane.

    He was born in County Clare in about 1834. He lists "Doonaha, near Kilkee" (or Dunaker as it sort of looks like?) as his home parish in military records. He joined the British army in 1852 and served until 1873. He then was in the Militia Staff stationed in Limerick. He was Color Sgt of the 63rd Reg of Line serving at Sevastopol, India and Canada. He was in the battles of Sevastopol, Inkermann and Alma and was granted a Government pension. He somehow ends up with his family (Wife, Jane Maloney and sons,  William J. 1874, Stephen 1876, John 1880, and Thomas 1881. First three baptised in Ennis, last in Limerick.) in Winona, Minnesota, where Honora Liddane O'Dea had come to live with her children.

    The Tithe Applotment records of 1826 list four persons named Liddane holding property in Moyarta. Stephen Liddane is in the townland of Moveen West NEXT to a John O'Dea. Stephen is a name that repeats and repeats in all these O'Dea/Liddane families

    I am making a guess that these could be my people. It sure would be nice if I could get that confimed, however!

    Tuesday 16th Jul 2013, 02:03AM
  • I want to add that I mention the nephew, Stephen Liddane, in hopes that his story would help connect with Liddanes in Ireland. His father was listed as John. His mother, Mary. I wonder if John was a son of the Stephen Liddane of Moveen West. John Liddane would then be a brother to Honora Liddane O'Dea, my gg grandmother, who named her second son Stephen. The name, Stephen repeats on and on with her children's children.

    Tuesday 16th Jul 2013, 07:32PM
  • Pat,

    When I was on the Moyarta Graveyard, Carrigaholt I saw some of the names you were looking for:

    Kelly family-John & Honora I don't know if they are the same ones you are looking for.

    My grandmother, Jane O'Dea married Michael Kelly & they lived in Moyarta. I don't know if they are any relation.


    Wednesday 31st Dec 2014, 12:36AM
  • Thank you, Missval427! Yes, I think I was in the same Moyarta Graveyard in Carrigaholt a few years ago. I was shown an O'Dea grave in the very corner of the graveyard, next to the road with some houses across the road. I was told many generations could be in that spot. I turned around and saw many names in my family tree on other tombstones. I'm hoping these are my O'Dea/Liddane/Kelly/Lynch/Keanes but I haven't been able to prove it. My O'Dea/Kelly people would be Bridget O'Dea married to John Kelly living in the
    Watkins Glen new York area from 1850 on.

    Wednesday 31st Dec 2014, 03:23AM
  • Hi Pat, Attached (hopefully) is a scan of the O'Dea grave in Moyarta Graveyard that you mention. It is in the corner, next to the road with a farmhouse across the road. This is how it looked until a couple of years ago when I had it cleaned and updated. It originally said: In Loving Memory of Norah O'Dea, Moveen, and her Grandson Michael O'Dea. R.I.P. Erected by her son Michael O'Dea, Moveen, 1944.

    Norah McMahon O'Dea (from Moveen East) was my g-grandmother and her grandson Michael O'Dea my uncle. My grandfather Michael O'Dea (Moveen West) had the stone erected in 1944.

    I would have sent you a photo of the updated headstone but the file is over 1gb and too large for this programme. I will send you a copy if you want to provide an alternative email.

    None of the original inscription has been changed, only added to and cleaned.

    Inscription: In Loving Memory of Norah O'Dea (McMahon), Moveen, 26 March 1915 and her grandson Michael O'Dea 8 March 1920 aged 16, her son Michael O'Dea 4 June 1954 aged 80, his wife Margaret (Gleeson) O'Dea 17 April 1962 aged 87. Norah's husband Michael (66) and her son John (12) drowned at Dunlicky in 1888. R.I.P. Erected by her son Michael O'Dea, Moveen, 1944.

    The bodies of my g-grandfather Michael O'Dea and his son John who drowned are not in this grave.

    I do not think this is the gravestone you are looking for.

    You can check the names on the headstones at the Clare County Library, Donated Material, Graveyard Inscriptions although you will find that not all the headstones in Moyarta are listed. This one is not and some of the others near it are not. I can only presume it is because this area of the graveyard is overgrown.

    My family lived at Moveen West, John O'Dea listed in the Tithe Applotment Books 17/11/1827, Michael O'Dea Griffith's Valuation 1855.

    I note there is a John O'Dea listed in the Tithe Applotment Books in 1827 living next to Stephen Liddane. To differentiate the different Johns' in the notes column it shows Breacfa, I think this is a misspelling of Breaghva.

    In the Griffith's Valuation 1855 there is a Michael O'Dea living at Breaghva. This may be the family you are looking for.

    Regards, Maureen




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    Sunday 4th Jan 2015, 09:24PM
  • Hi Maureen


    I think you may have corresponded with my late father and namesake some years ago.  I've been looking for an O'Dea file in his papers, but so far have not managed to find it.


    Shortly before you posted your message on this thread, a number of us had been discussing the 1888 drowning tragedy involving your family over on

    Best wishes

    Paddy Waldron
    Volunteer parish administrator
    Moyarta, co. Clare
    Ireland Reaching Out


    Paddy Waldron, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 12th Jun 2015, 11:34AM
  • Hi Pat

    I am a dscendant of the Liddanes of Tullig.  Maura, nee Liddane died Nov 2015. 

    I have been told Liddanes in Moveen were related to the Tullig Liddanes.

    The Liddane I knew in Moveen area was a Jimmy Liddane and his sister.  They and their father were burried in Moyasta

    "298 LIDDANE  "For my parents Martin and Jane Liddane, Newtown also Mary and Maggie sisters James Liddane died 21 April 1977 R.I.P. Erected by Jamsey. "

    There are many Honora Liddanes and John Liddanes married to Marys. Stephen is less frequent in my immediate ancestry..... 

     If I get any clarity I will come back to you, if you are stiill interested.



    Saturday 27th Apr 2019, 07:21PM
  • Hi Pat, Bridget O'Dea was one of the witnesses (along with Joseph (but I think it was actually John) Considine) at the marriage of my g-grandparents Patrick McGrath and Susan (nee also McGrath) in Winona in 1866.  I live in Minnesota.  Typically at that time Bridget would have been a first cousin of one of them, if possible. I also found the immigration record from 1852 on the vessel Southhampton for Stephen and Bridget O'Dea.  They are listed near Mary Curtin and her 4-5 children, Catherine and Bridget Liddane, ages 18 and 13, and Martin Lynch, age 40.  My theory is that many of these families emigrated together and were often related.  The Considines and O'Deas lived near each other on farms in Warren township near Winona.

    I believe either Patrick or Susan was from Moyarta, but I can't figure out which one.  My theory is Pat is from Moyarta and Susan from Killard, possibly among many other McGraths in the Doonbeg area near Magrath Point.  Patrick's parents were James and Catherine, but Tithes has James in Moyarta, Kilballyowen, Killard, and Kilfearagh, and I have DNA matches with clues in all of those.  I think I found Susan's emigration record, and she's listed near Martin and Anna McGrath and their two kids Mary Ann and Patrick (plus an infant who died during the voyage), as well as Bat (Bartholomew) Carey, John O'Dea, and Matilda Lynch.  Per above, my theory is they emigrated together and may be related.

    I have conflicting documentary evidence of the maiden names of Pat and Susan's mothers.  Both of their death certificates have versions of Curry, which could be Corry, Curry, or Carey of possibly Carney or unlikely but possibly Carew.  I've found a baptism record in Killard for a Bartholomew Carney.  I've convinced myself Carney could be heard as Curry when spoken by a bereft Irish woman completing her husband's death certificate, or a deaf clerk!

    In any case, I may not be helping much with your goal, but perhaps some of this information will help make some connections for you or others.  I'll also post it separately under a fresh heading. 

    Duncan McGrath

    Tuesday 30th Jul 2019, 01:06AM

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