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Dear members of Rath Parish. I have already registered with the Killilagh Parish, as one of my ancestors was born in Roadford. However, there is also a family connection with Rath. My great-grandfather, Michael Devitt, his older brother John, and his younger sister, Mary, all emigrated to Australia in the 1850 - 60 era. Mary, who was born in Roadford, was the first to leave Ireland in 1854, as a young 14 year old girl. John, and his wife, Honorah McMahon, left in 1858, and Michael left in 1867.

Their parents were James Devitt and Alice ( Ellen ) Donohoe. I beleive the Donohoe family were from the townland of Martry, parish of Rath. Thomas Donohoe, a cousin of John, Michael and Mary also emigrated to Australia in the early 1850's.

I would appreciate any information you can provide about the Devitt / Donohoe connection in Martry.

Best regards,

Steve Devitt


Thursday 29th Aug 2013, 05:47AM

Message Board Replies

  • Steve:

    I looked at the 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Rath civil parish. There was a James Devitt listed in Moyhill townland. Possibly this is your relative. There was also a Patrick Donoghoe in Martry townland. A couple of leads for your consideration.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 29th Aug 2013, 02:16PM
  • Hi Rath Parish,

    I am finally making my trip to Ireland in September 2016. I will be there from 4th Sept to 12th Sept and I will be based near Lisdoonvarna, staying at Slieve Elva B & B. I will have a rental car, so I will be able to cover plenty of the area. I would be pleased to meet anyone from Ireland Reaching Out during my visit.

    I don't believe the James Devitt who lived in Moyhill was my great-great grandfather, as I know that my ancestor was dead in 1858 when his son John emigrated to Australia and James from Moyhill died at a later time in 1865.

    My great-great grandfather married Alice (Ellen?) Donohoe, who lived in Martry. The Donohoe family were in Martry as well as the adjacent townland of Derry, which was part of the Parish of Inagh. I also learnt that a widow, named Alice Devitt died in 1878, aged  in the townland of Knocknagraigue East, Parish of Clooney, just north of Martry.


    Tuesday 22nd Mar 2016, 05:01AM
  • Continuation from previous post, accidently posted prematurely :

    Alice's brother Timothy Donohoe appears as the informant on her death certificate. We know that Alice was alive in 1858 when her son John emigrated, so perhaps she lived as a widow for at least 20 years.

    I do not know where my great-great grandfather originally came from. I don't believe he was from Rath, but perhaps from the Parish of Inagh.

    Best regards,

    Steve Devitt


    Tuesday 22nd Mar 2016, 05:11AM
  • Steve:

    Welcome back and I'm glad you are finally coming to Ireland!  I looked for RC church records and was not able to find any and I believe that is due to a late start for the Lisdoonvarna parish records (1854 for baptisms).

    We currently do not have any parish liaisons in the Lisdoonvarna. I alerted our HQ about your September trip.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 27th Mar 2016, 08:51PM
  • Dear Steve

    Have you had a look at the local studies website for Clare, it is a great resource for anyone with Clare Ancestors.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 30th Mar 2016, 01:50PM
  • Dear Roger and Clare,

    Thank you both for your replies. I am currently working my way through the Parish Registers which were recently released on line from the NLI. I have found plenty of Devitts, especially in Lisdoonvarna Parish, but no direct connection. I have studied most of the information on the clarelibrary site, without finding too much positive information. Over the years, I have also had correspondence with the Clare Heritage Society at Corofin.

    Best regards,

    Steve Devitt


    Friday 1st Apr 2016, 03:59AM

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