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I have reason to believe the family of Rody Hayes m.1854 in Parteen R.C. parish to Mary McNamara aka Mack are related to my gr gr grandparents James Mason (1814-1887) of Parteen & Bridget Hayes (1805-1881) of Cloonaughter - daughter of James or William - m.1830 in Parteen R.C. Parish.  At the time of James & Bridget's deaths, Mary Mack was listed as present at death at Athlunkard St., Athlunkard, Co. Clare.  Mary's residence in 1881 as Athlunkard St.  I have actually visited the ruins of the Mason cottage on Athlunkard St. and will post a picture when I can find it :-(   

The children of Rody and Mary are Margaret 1854, Denis 1856, Lucy 1858, Mary 1859,  Edmund 1863, Bridget 1865**, Roger 1867, James 1869, Hanora 1871.  Another son, John b.unknown, m. Catherine Meany 1897 in the R.C. Chappel of Bridgetown.                                                                                                                                                                        **Bridget may have married 1901 to Thomas Bourke a widower at Sacred Heart Chappel, Limerick.                                                                                                                                        Residence stated at all baptisms in Broadforad R.C. parish as Kilbane or Upper Kilbane.                                                                Hayes Godparents stated as John, Bridget, Edmond, Mary, E., Michael, Lucy (res. Cragg), Margaret.                                                   Mack Godparents stated as Pat, Mary, Bridget.

Hope someone can provide information or make a connection to  this Hayes/McNamara family specifcally parents of Rody and Mary.                                                                                                                                                                                Judith Mason                                                                                                    


Tuesday 4th Jul 2017, 03:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Judie:

    Thanks for posting this information on the site.  Hopefully someone will see it and be in a position to respond.

    If you have the time, it may be worth your while to create a profile for the family under the XO Chronicles database.  You can do so by clicking on the tab at the top of the page. 

    If you have any difficulties or questions, please let me know.


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 26th Jul 2017, 12:39PM
  • Hello Jane,   At long last, I have found some time to post this information to the XO Chronicles but, looking at the rules, they state a birthdate is required and I don't have those for Rody Hayes nor wife Mary nee MacNamama.  Can I still post?                          Judie Mason




    Thursday 28th Sep 2017, 03:03PM
  • Hi Judie:  

    yes, you can post with as little information as you have. A year of birth is sufficient.

     If you have any problems, please email me at:

     All the best,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 29th Sep 2017, 08:10AM

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