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Am looking to trace ancesters my mother came from Duniry her parents were Nora (Egan) and Anthony Cummins following the death of their parents the children from the family were split up and sent to live with relatives; from the age of about 6 my mother Elizabeth lived with Lizzie or Elizabeth Cummins an aunt (school teacher) and her husband Patrick.  There were several cousins and I believe one of them went on to be a priest.


Monday 21st Dec 2015, 10:27PM

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  • I wanted to invite you to add your ancestor's details to our XO Chronicles. You can learn more about it HERE and it might be another avenue to consider so that your ancestor's details can be seen by others. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 18th Oct 2016, 04:19PM
  • There were 10 children in your grandfather's family - as follows:Michael born 1858, John born 1867, Patrick born 1868, Mary born 1871, Anthony (your grandather) born 1873, Margaret b 1876, John born 1874 (the first John died in infancy and it was customary to give the same name to a nerwly born child), Margaret born 1876, Ellie born 1877, Owen born 1878, 

    As you mentioned your grandparents died prematurely leaving the children to be looked after by relatives.Your grandfather  Anthony married Nora (Honoria) Egan and his brother  Patrick married Nora's sister  Lizzie Egan - so two brothers married two sisters - both sisters were schoool teachers.  The Patrick and Lizzie that your mother lived with in her childhood had a son Tony (Anthony) who became a priest and died about 4 years ago at the age of 105 years - the oldest priest in Ireland. The youngest brother (Owen) had a daughter who became a nun.

    Your grandparents had five children - as follows in order of age

    ;Nell  (Maria Ellen) settled in Boston USA, ,Johnny (John) settled in Boston, Tom (Thomas) settled in Sussex and finally South London, Lizzie (your mother) Sussex and finally Tangmere. Mon Monica lived on the Cummins farm but moved to  England about 1958 and after the death of her husband moved to France. .  

    Foe further information send email to


    Wednesday 10th May 2017, 09:51PM

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