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I am researching my family history. My great great grandfather was Joseph Osborne of Dardistown Castle. I have been able to find out quite a bit about him due to his horse racing articles, books and work. However my family have never known who was the mother of his daughter Catherine Josephine Osborne born Cork abt 1838. Joseph did not marry until 1851 and then is listed as a batchelor. Therfore we think this was probably a local girl, possibly Catholic and that they did not marry. She may be from Cork and returned to have the illegitimate baby there. I wonder if any local family have recollections of a local girl who became pregnant around 1838. As far as my now deceased auntir recalled this woman was buried near Dardistown as she recalls Catherine Osborne wanting flowers placed on her grave. . 

Any information on the Osborne family at all is welcomed. There was also a brother, Morgan who was cut out of the will of Saamuel Henry Osborne and died in 1871. 

Kind Regards

Jane Church

Brighton, England


Sunday 20th Dec 2015, 10:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Jane

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay in getting back to you.

    It is unlikely that there is a recollection at this stage given the long gap in time.The most likely place you will find out is in a publication about the family or something similar. I wasn't able to find a baptism record for Catherine. Unfortunately secondary sources, like a local/family publication is probably your best bet. I would even start by searching Google books to see what historical publications they have.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 20th Jan 2016, 01:00PM

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