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I am looking for birth information for Kathleen Molly Delaney born about 1883.To date I have not been abl eto locate a birth record for her.

Her death certificate (from 1946 in Battersea England) and  the 1911 census states birth place at Durleigh, Waterfall, Cork, Ireland and her sister Margaret Mary Delaney has a birth registration for September 1891 in the district of Cork, Ireland and a 1911 census stating birth place is Corbally

I am seeing conflicts of parishes and I cant find Durleigh but I am assuming that Waterfall is supposed to be Waterford.

I have no record evidence but I believe their fathers name was John.

Ultimately from Kathleens birth record I am looking for her parents names and maybe even siblings to keep on with my search as I have reached a dead end and havnt been able to find anything.

Saturday 6th Jul 2013, 02:48PM

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