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Searching for birthplace of Charles Fallin.  Wife, Jane, could be Jane Eyes.  Located in Northumberland Va., USA in or about 1670 . Sons Charles II, Dennis, and William.  daughters Jane and Mary. Possible home in Cam, Dysart or town of Miltown

Monday 11th Mar 2013, 03:34PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Frances,

    Thank you for your message.

    Unfortunately, it may be difficult to find record of Charles birth given the date. The reality of finding documentation pertaining to births/baptisms/marriages/deaths in Ireland prior to 1800 ? particularly in rural areas ? is that they simply may not exist. Please also note that the Church of Ireland was the official church of the country and therefore the bulk of information that does survive for earlier periods is often from these registers. If you would like more information on these registers please check and  

    Catholic church records in the areas that you have mentioned do not start until the 19th century. You can check the availability of Catholic records in Roscommon?s Catholic parishes here:

    It may be an idea to contact Roscommon Heritage and Genealogical Centre for possible assistance, however a fee may apply. Here are their contact details:

    Roscommon Heritage and Genealogical Centre,

    Church Street,


    Co. Roscommon.

    Phone: +353 (0) 71 9633380 Email:

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 7th May 2013, 11:16AM
  • Hi Frances,

    Some of the Descendants of Charles Fallin of Northumberland County, Virginia have corresponded with me over the years via the genealogy dot com web site and we have taken dna tests.

    I am a descendant of Redmond Fallon (Fallin)  who settled on the Sandy creek of the Dan River by 1745 in Southern Virginia on the North Carolina border. (in what is now Pittsylvania County, Virginia)

    Our dna is different. Charles Fallin of Northumberland is really Ua Faolain (O'Fwaylon) (Waylon) (Whelan etc) and his roots do not go back to County Roscommon but to "The Desies" and they seem to have originated in County Laois, Kings County and Tipperary all over the South-Eastern 1/3 or more of Ireland. 

    For a long time we thought we were from the same Irish people (Charles & Redmond Fallin from Virginia in the 1700s and 1600s) .... but Redmond Fallin people seem to have been in Maryland and maybe Montserrat before then.

    I think Charles Fallin people may have been in the Caribbean before going to Virginia. 

    When we look at the places our ancestors lived and we know the Y-DNA is definitely Irish and we know those surnames abound in certain areas of Ireland ... we start to see a picture emerging that more than likely we were the fallout of the Cromwellian wars and the Civil Wars in the 1640s to the 1650s and were most likely "transported" to Cork and then to some port city in England and then sent to Barbados, Jamaica, Montserrat etc. Some were sent directly to the North American colonies and that's what we are trying to figure out today.

    If you have a look at the Down Survey (hosted generously by Trinity College in Ireland) you can see that ... for example, there were a lot of Redmond Fallon & O'Fallon people on lands all over Southern County Roscommon in 1641 but by 1671 there are only one or two left. Where did they all go in those 30 years time? When we look at history ... I think we can deduce that it was ... dun dun dunnnn .... bloody Cromwell! (spit)  :-) 

    I hope I was able to help you with what i have learned over the last 30 or more years of my life of researching these Virginia & Maryland Colonial Families with Irish origins. 

    Blessings agus le meas,

    Labhrás Ó Fallamhain (Lance Fallin) tá mé ag foghlaim Gaeilge anois :-)

    Friday 6th Jan 2017, 12:04AM

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