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My name is Tammy and I am researching my husband's family line. His third great grandfather on his maternal side listed as Johnathon Wynne from Dysart born in 1808. John married Catherine Conway after immigrating to Canada. His parents may have been a John Wynne and Rose McFee from Antrim but I do not have any confirming documentation. I would love to find out more about this side of his family. 



Wednesday 11th Jun 2014, 05:52PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Tammy

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Have you had a look on for any mention of the family? Given that James was born in the early 1800s it is doubtful that you will be able to trace further back that beyond what you already know. However you may be lucky as Wynne is not one of the most common names. Despite this I couldn?t see any records for a Rose McFee and John Wynne marriage. John and Rose may have married in a parish and at a time that predates the parish records.

    By 1901 there are only a few Wynne entries in the Census. Some of these names may be descendants of the original John, though we have no way of knowing this:…

    I couldn?t see any John Wynne listed on the Griffith?s Valuation (1847-1864)

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 17th Jun 2014, 11:16AM
  • Thank you so much Clare. This side of the family has been a conundrum. I will look on rootsireland as well. Peace and nice to meet you. 

    Tammy B 

    Tuesday 17th Jun 2014, 02:14PM

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