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attended a conference at the ulster museum january 31st 2015 and discovered the following 

1945 march mr hubert lannon a farmer discovered a gold lunala torc alongside 2 gold discs in a bog in coggalbeg (could anyone advise what this translates into english as) and i am hoping this takes place in your parish of lissonuffy (could anyone advise what this translates into english as) county roscommon and on looking at the torc with a black background the symbolism of the construction revealed itself to me and this is what i imagined

bearing in mind that this item has been dated approximated around 1700bc to 1300bc and that its gold content silver content and copper content has been analysed

i now place my very own interpretation on this artefact

the gold crescent shape when placed down on a black background surface now reveals the following shape 

A. a large golden circumference circle disc 

B. a smaller black circumference circle inside the golden circle disc at A. 

C. a gap exists on A where the disc circumference  is not complete and a gap or clear space occurs 

now once this configuration is seen by your own two eyes you have to begin to imagine what the goldsmith is trying to convey or portray

and to understand this it requires that you perceive that the goldsmith is endeavouring to give a didactic message to the deity in order to convey that this is the reality he has seen with his own two eyes       

so with that understanding this is what i imagine he has seen 

a solar eclipse of the sun by the moon and

in order to convey this you to will need to have seen this same occurence

the question is have u 

well neither have i 

so lets start to concieve what it would be like 

the moons circuit of the earth takes 28 days and begins from 

new crescent moon (sometimes the moon is known as the lesser light) 

to waxing to half a moon of light and half a moon on dark after 7 days  

to waxing fuller to a full moon of light after 14 days 

to waning to half a moon of light and half a moon of dark after 21 days 

to all but disappearing to a crescent sliver after 28 days 

and then it disappears altogether this is the C. effect the gap or clear space occurs 

before it starts to reappear as a new crescent moon and starts its cycle again 

but every so often at the C. effect 

the moon crosses the suns disc in the sky and causes an eclipse which can be partial or complete 

so in this image portrayal it is depicting the complete solar eclipse not the partial 

so after 28 days as the moon disappears into a totally black disc phase its frontal leading limb passes the frontal limb circumference of the suns disc 

then the lagging limb of the moon passes this point causing the sun to be totally eclipsed and darkness decends across the landscape of the bog an coggalbeg and rushes across the landscape of roscommon plunging the entire area into darkness 

the neolithic turfcutters of coggalbeg bog could not believe their eyes as the turf they were cutting in the light of the day disappeared before their eyes and became black as night and they could see nothing at all  they were in shock and awe and the errie silience was deafening to them as they stared agape at what was happening before their eyes and then after a few moments or was it minutes or to them was it hours of terror and horror the light returned and the turf they had been cutting was revealed again before their own eyes   they gathered everything together and rushed back to their community  

the local chieftain of the conna tribe ancestor of maebh and allill demands a council of his chiefs and druidic priests and demands to know what has occured and more importantly was this a good omen or bad omen 

the fact that the moons frontal leading limb is now crossing the opposite side of the suns circumference and allowing the light to flood back over the landscape allows everybody to exclaim this is a good omen our chief has been honoured to receive such a gift from the sun and the moon and you know what we are all going to party like the celtic tiger people of 2000s lets all party they said and so they did 

and to commemorate this our goldsmith picks that point where the frontal limb of the moon is crossing the far side of the solar circumference celebrating the light returning to the landscape a great sign from the sun and moon   oh are we worthy to have seen such a delight lets party again 

but the goldsmith decided to think again and reflect as all goldsmiths do 

and the goldsmith decided after he was told no commanded by the chief the high druidic priest and the gobann silver smith of old  creide smith of gold luchruch smith of brass and bronze and the blacksmiths of the forgers of ancient ways   

A. make the large circumference represent the sun and to do this choose no ordainary material no noble material but the highest order of precious material that reality has given us and make sure it portrays the colour of light and so gold was chosen to portray this concept of didactic artistic instruction 

B. make the small circumference represent what we name the disappeared moon and in as this moon represents the lesser light choose a precious material equal to this and so silver was chosen the silver moon of the lesser light on the golden sun the greater light 

C. ensure lest anyone be blind to see with their own two eyes that this moon cycle that governs our lives is in the gap or clear space that occurs and where this occurence can only happen make sure it is depicted in the image because it is this phase of the cycle that you have shown yourself to me your great gaelic chieftain of this whole wide erin talamh  

D. and i my gaelic lord will record this event for all time and that you have graced yourself to show your appearance in my presence i your humble servant do now add my presence to this combination and the presence of the land of roscommon the land of brefine in the heartland of conna and i declare that the impure base metal of copper to represent this force of land and creature be added to the content and demonstrate our obedience to the offering you have placed before my two eyes 

E. the goldsmith and the priest decided behind the chieftains back to declare that 2 gold rings be moulded from this same material and to ensure it depicts that sun cyle according to the understanding of our gaelic druidic people and to signify and symbolise this they placed the sign that you will know them from and that is the X sign demonstrating

the suns travel across the landscape of the rising sun of the east horizon of roscommon and 

the landscape of the setting sun of the west horizon of rosccommon

the top tips of the X as they touch the circle represent

the summer solstice rising and setting points of this solar sun 

and the bottom tips of the X as they touch the circle represent the winter solstice rising and setting points of this solar sun 

and to let the people of our land know that we were here

we saw and

we record this event let us mark the quarter that this occured in and let us also mark the day of the moon cycle of that quarter day 

and so it was done and so they celebated and had a party and of all the people present who were allowed to adorn themselves with this cartouche sign symbol of the breathtaking wonder that had befallen this special clan this special tribe this special chief on this special land 

it was a true gaelic chief of the elder race of eire 

and so they partied like the irish celtic tiger people of 2000s and they celebrated their wonderful happiness and when they finished after their hangover was over and after they had shown their irish chieftain to all the tribes of eire at taras banqueting hall 

they the roscommon gaelic people decided to create a time capsule of this breathtaking awe and powerful fear so they walked out to coggalbeg and buried the creation of their minds into the peat soil to rest  to commemorate the gift given to their own turfcutters 

unless the people of roscommon might need it again 

and lo and behold hubert lannan found it in march 1945  as he was cutting his turf patch commemorating the previous turfcutters of the gaelic tribe of roscommon in 1,700bc  as they did so he did    turfcutter to turfcutter    dig to dig     sod to sod    stack to stack     

and in 1947 mr sheehan the local chemist in accordance with mr lannans instruction placed it in safekeeping in a stronghold safe 

and sometime early 2000 the celtic tiger party as hard as you want crew decide to go down and ransack the joint and take away the symbolic druidic torc from its safekeeping place and take it back to their homeland of north or south dublin and dump it in a skip there demonstrating their real gaelic pedigree mentality 

and now at the close of the last quarter day of the celtic gaelic samhain lunar period i now sign off as we approach the first quarter day of la na bride la imbolcthe first day of the quarter of the solar year where light stretches to overtake the darkness of the dark days of winter 

gloir gloir gloir tri noid a gloir la feile bride 

liam hua duinn

Sunday 1st Feb 2015, 12:00AM

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  • Thanks William

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Clare Doyle

    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 09:44AM

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