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First off, a huge thank you to the organizers and volunteers
who have made this website possible and so obviously a going
concern for so many looking for their ancesters and living

I am so looking forward to finding more information about my
dear Maternal Grandmother, who at the age of 20, emigrated to
North America.  I'm still searching for her parents, Peter Killoran and
Mary Mahoney, but I think I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now.

Once again, thank you.



Wednesday 28th Aug 2013, 07:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Connie,

    I searched for Peter Killoran and Mary Mahoney's marriage but got no matches.

    I then tried the surnames only and got Catherine Killerin and ? Mahoney married in Sligo in 1880.

    If it would help I can get the parish.

    Col Cafferky

    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 28th Aug 2013, 09:20PM

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