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Hope its OK to put this on here on behalf on my daughter and her family search project which her self and a cousin from the states are chasing after?

Hi looking for some help for a cousin in the USA regarding our Behan links from Tyrrellspass, Westmeath.

To date we have traced some from September 1884 the marriage of Gt Gt grandparents Richard Behan to a Mary Farrell, through to the births of their 8 kids, John, Martin, Anna Maria, Bernard, Richard, Luke Mary, Margaret.

John we believe married a girl from Galway don't know much more about them?

Martin came to Dublin in 1911 and married a Galway girl Cecilia Clarke, he was a widower in 1919 and remarried a widow Mary Byrne in Dublin too. Don't know much more about him or how or where his first wife died?

Anna Maria we know died very young

Bernard is our shared great grandfather so we know loads of him like that he came to Dublin married a Dublin girl O’Neill in 1922, settled down here in Dublin and had 4 kids .

Richard all we know of him is he married in Sligo in 1928, other than that we know no more?

Luke never married and died in 1938

Mary and Margaret, we know nothing of them other than their births?

We recently found that the father Richard ( our Gt Gt Grandfather) who married in 1884, his mother was Anne ?. We'd love to know of the marriage date of her and her husband John Behan and where both of them were from and her surname?

Regarding Mary Farrell all we know is what is on the marriage cert?

All help whatsoever would be very much appreciated

Joe Behan

Sunday 2nd Oct 2022, 09:55PM

Message Board Replies

  • Joe:

    Richard Behan was baptized on August 17 1851 in Rochfortbridge RC parish. Father John Behan and mother Anne Brien. I was not able to locate the marriage record on the subscription site Roots Ireland.

    I will look for other info tomorrow.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 3rd Oct 2022, 12:13AM
  • Many thanks Roger ....... Amazing stuff.... Looking forward to anything else you may find ....... I'll pass this onto my daughter ........ they were hoping to visit the area and maybe look for some graves ....... but dont know where to start????

    Again many thanks for your time

    Joe Behan

    Thursday 6th Oct 2022, 09:46AM

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