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I'm searching for my Grandads birth certificate which appears to not be registered at all. He was known as John James Grimes however could have possibly been born/baptised under Sean. 

I can find his younger Brother and Sisters records, which lists both parents as 'Matthew Grimes' and 'Julia Grimes formerly Kenny' and location of dwelling as what looks to read 'Ballimacline' (which doesnt seem to exist with various spelling variations) but registered in the district of Multyfarnham. 

Does anyone know where i would go for the baptism records to see if i can locate any further information? 

I know his father matthew is listed as a 'stable hand/groom' on some of these records and my grandad and his brother both worked in horse racing. Come to a bit of a dead end so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks so much, 


Tuesday 25th Apr 2017, 02:38PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Chloe:


    Many thanks for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board. 

    We have a local volunteer in the area who will be able to assist you with your query. 


    You might also look at the parish registers for for Multyfarnham which are online through the National Library of Ireland website.

    The link is below:


    If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Tuesday 25th Apr 2017, 06:06PM
  • Dear Chloe,

    I am a reaching out volunteer in Multyfarnham.

    Sorry for delay in replying, but I have been finding it difficult to find any information for on the Grimes name in Multyfarnham. There are presently no Grimes families kiving here. Some of the residents I have spoken to, as I am not from Multy myself think the townland you are referring to is Ballinaclune. It is a townland near the friary on the Coole Rd. There was a large estate there once, and possibly a large estate house as one of the ladies I spoke to remembers her father going to Balls or Dress dances there.Perhaps your grandad or great grandad worked there. The land was was bought/ or donated to the friars who ran an agricultural training college for many years. That is all I have found out so far. If you wish you can email me at but I will continue to ask around the village to see if I can learn any more.



    Monday 29th May 2017, 07:45PM

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