November 30, 2023
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Original message received by Leigh on 

Hi there - the family I am connected to is "Sheehy" and "Cosgrove". My ancestor, Maurice Sheehy (born about 1808) married Margaret A Cosgrove in Shanagolden on 24 February 1838, and then they had five children, four of whom survived and emigrated with them to New South Wales, Australia in 1853 as part of the Lord Monteagle Famine emigration program.  I have used the Irish Catholic Records online to source baptism records for these children (and the marriage record), and Griffiths Valuation to locate the residence of Maurice Sheehy and his family, in the township of Briskagh. I have not been able to find connections further back than Maurice, although Maurice's parents may have been called "Patrick Sheehy" and "Margaret Finlay" - who were both dead before 1853, the year Maurice emigrated. Margaret Cosgrove's parents were called "Thomas Cosgrove" and I believe "Margaret Liston" - the former was still alive when Maurice/Margaret Sheehy emigrated, so may be buried somewhere in Shanagolden!? 

Message from Leigh following the meet and greet

It was very special to be able to visit the place where my forebears came from - leaving during the dreaded Potato Famine - to find a new life in New South Wales, Australia.  Thank you all so much for your generosity and for the fabulous website, which really does provide so much great information.

PS - the images are of Shanagolden village, the “new” Catholic Church, and rural scenes on the road where the Sheehy family originally lived. Sean also took us to the graveyard where most of his ancestors rest.


Meet and Greet Shanagolden Meet and Greet


Meet and Greet - Shanagolden

Meet and Greet Shanagolden Meet and Greet Shanagolden