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Looking for anyone who is researching the Pyke Family.  I am interested in Robert Pyke of Park, Modreeny.  


Tuesday 25th Sep 2012, 03:33AM

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  • The name Pyke was well known in Cloughjordan the man that previously owned our family home was Pyke in 1870. 


    Tuesday 2nd Oct 2012, 09:03AM
  • Hi, I don't know if you are still looking into the Pykes.  I have a potential connection. My 3GG was Edward Coghlan. Church baptism record from Roots Ireland shows DOB jun 23 1800 but date of baptism as cordReNo. Address Killballyshea in Shinrone parish/district in Co. Offaly. Father listed as John Coghlan, no info re: mother or sponsors.

    Research done by a distant cousin shows he married Lucinda Pyke/Pike from Modreeny.  I know he travelled for some of his research, but we dont have anything definitive re: where he found Pyke as her last name.  We also have a church marriage record that shows her "maiden" name as Coughlan (slight spelling difference) with no other parental details. Of course she may have been previously married to Coughlan before marrying Coghlan, or it could be transcription error as Edward was using Caughlin by the time he emmigrated to Canada. 

    Initially the only connection for Robert Pyke I could find was a "squire" out of Dublin - very well to do  and I couldnt see any connection for his daughter to Offally/Tipperary.  Then I found a record from Griffith's Valuation for 1847-1864 for a Robert Pike who leased land from Lorn Dunalley in Modreeny parish, Lower Ormond, Tipperary. Townland is Stoneyacre. So that places a Pike family in Modreeny.

    If you can help confirm or clarify any of this I would be most grateful!


    Thanks, Brenda


    Brenda V

    Sunday 18th Feb 2018, 03:52PM

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