

James Dalton was baptized at Holy Cross RC parish church in Stradbally on 26 August 1809 according to the parish register held in the National Library of Ireland archives.

His parents were John & Mary (Kerwin) Dalton. I believe James Dalton to be my ggguncle and brother of my gggrandfather Luke Dalton who held a 4-acre plot on nearby Coumaraglin Mountain in 1850. James died on 8 March 1849. Luke erected a gravestone for his brother James, shown in the attached photo, and it is located in the old Kilgobnet church cemetery, a few miles from Stradbally. Although Luke and his wife Anna (Qualey) had at least 4 children, all of whom emigrated to the US, it is unknown whether James Dalton ever married or had children.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Aug 1809
Date of Death 1st Mar 1849
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Mary Kerwin

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