Martin  Quish  17801780

Martin Quish 1780

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Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1780 (circa)
Names of Children Mary Quish daughter, married Michael Hurley of Knocklong
Spouse (First Name/s and Maiden/Surname) Nora Fitzgibbons


  • I think this is the right family? I assume you got my other message about Jeremiah and Michael Hurley.
    When Mary, his daughter, was born in 1809, Martin was living in Mitchelstowndown, Limerick. Record from RootsIreland below. She had a twin, Harvey. Per records found on RootsIreland, in 1812 the family was living in Glenlara, Limerick. In 1816, Knocklara, Limerick and in 1824, Ballyfroot, Limerick.

    Name: Mary Quish Date of Birth:
    Date of Baptism: 06-Dec-1809
    Address: Mitchelstowndown Parish/District: KNOCKLONG & GLENBROHANE
    Gender: Unknown County Co. Limerick

    Denomination: Roman Catholic

    Father: Martin Quish Mother: Honora Fitzgibbon

    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1: Fitzgibbon
    Sponsor 2 /
    Informant 2: Cath. Lavery
    Regards- Mary


    Friday 12th March 2021 03:00PM

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