Samuel Charlton1863

Samuel Charlton 1863

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Samuel's parents were Henry Charlton and Margaret Mitchell, married at 2nd Presbyterian Church, Ballynahatty, Drumragh Parish, on 2 January 1856. Henry was from Crucknamona, while Margaret came from Clanabogan. In October 1873, Sam, his mother and three sisters embarked on the ship "Queen of the North" in London, and arrived in Napier, New Zealand 2 February 1874. The family settled and stayed in that same Hawkes Bay region, mainly around Hastings and Napier on the North Island of New Zealand.

Sam was born in 1863 in Omagh, one year before civil registration came into place, so the day and month are unknown. His sisters were Susan Jane (born 1857), Mary (born 1859) and Sarah (born 1864). All were born in Omagh.

Sam became a successful publican, and he and his wife Mary Ann Jane Langley had 4 boys and 6 girls. His youngest boy, Reginald, was my paternal grandfather.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1863 (circa)
Date of Death 2nd Mar 1929
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Henry Charlton

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