Saint Beignus or Benin

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Saint Benignus of Armagh aka St Benin (died 467)  the son of Sesenen, an Irish chieftain was a native of Balscaddan.

He was baptised into the Christian faith by St. Patrick himself. He was named Benen (for his gentle disposition) which was Latinised as Benignus. 

By all accounts, he was St. Patrick's favourite disciple known as "Patrick's psalm-singer". He followed his master in his travels and assisted him in his missionary labours, helping in the formation of choral services.

In or about AD 450 he became St Patrick's coadjutor in the Diocese of Armagh and became the first rector of the Cathedral School of Armagh. He was also secretary to the Commission of Nine, which a few years before had been directed to compile the Brehon Laws. 

Benignus is said to have contributed to Psalter of Cashel, and the Book of Rights

Additional Information
Date of Death 1st Jan 0467

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