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My 3rd-great-grandfather Michael Cashin, was born c1782, in Ballinaill, Laois. He joined the British Army and was out-pensioned in 1812. Although military records (where he collected his pension) from 1813-1846 are missing, his records from Kilmaninham Hospital in Dublin give Ballinakill as his place of birth. His daughter Eliza is my great-great-grandmother. She and her husband James Hughes raised their family in Stockport, Cheshire, England. The 1861 British Census gives her place of birth, but the word is illegible so I don't know where she was born. I don't know if her father married, or if Eliza had any siblings. Michael left Ireland to live with his daughter and family about a year before he died. Because Michael was only 14 when he signed up for the military, and because I have never found Cashins in Ballinakill, I wonder if his parents had died so he left the area without ever returning. If he had siblings, they might have emigrated or moved on to another area of Ireland. I am interested in Cashins/Cashens/Cassins/Cashions from Co. Laois.


Sunday 24th Feb 2019, 05:51PM

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    I have a GGGGrandmother named Mary Cashin who was born about 1810. I believe she came from the area around Ballinakill, for sure she was from Laois. She married John Webb who was sent to teach at the Boys National School in Clonaslee in 1832. I think they married around that time and had children Eliza, James, Susan, John, Catherine, Thomas and Richard. Looks like James immigrated to New York City first in early 1850s, followed by John and Susan. Eliza was the only one married in Clonaslee in 1855. She and her husband, Richard Kilroe, immigrated with their infant daughter, Susan, in 1857. Cannot find an immigration record for John, Mary and the rest of their children, but they were all included in the 1860 US Census living in lower Manhattan. John died in 1862 and Mary died in 1864. I was in touch with a man who had a Daniel Cashin in his family born around 1803 in Ballinakell with a sister named Mary born about the same time as my Mary, but our DNA did not match so no proof of a definite relationship. Recently discovered that a John Cashin was a witness at the 1864 marriage of John Webb Jr and his wife, Julia Connor, in New York City, so some of the extended family must also have immigrated to NYC. Have seen with more recent generations the name spelled as Cassion as well as Cashin. Wish I had more information, still researching but records are scarce. If John and Mary married in Clonaslee there do not seem to be church records for the time frame of 1830s even though the church was in existence well before that! Have not been able to find a marriage record anywhere else in County Laois.


    Saturday 16th Nov 2019, 10:50PM
  • Eileen, I would love to work with you on our Cashin puzzle/possible connection. Would you rather work on this board or via email? My email address is

    I find email easier because I don't have to keep checking to see what my password is. :-)  If you prefer to work on Ireland Reaching Out, though, I am happy to do that. Perhaps you could let me know. I realize that I am trying to connect with someone who is in my 3rd great-grandfather's generation so there won't be many DNA matches because in that number of generations, the DNA has really begun to break down. It would be interesting, though, to see if we share any of the same DNA matches. (I tested on Ancestry).  Looking forward to hearing from you.   Jan


    Monday 18th Nov 2019, 05:19PM


    Just reaching out again, I had sent a message via regular e-mail and not sure if you received. Usually I get a “message undeliverable” notice but maybe missed it. Anyway just wondered if you had gotten the e-mail. LMK and I can resend! I know the holidays are upon us so hopefully I will hear back from you after that!            






    Monday 21st Dec 2020, 06:58PM
  • Eileen, I am so glad you reached out as I don't recall getting an email from you. I have been bombarded with junk mail so it might have landed in junk mail too.If you feel it's safe, perhaps you could share your email here - maybe with "at" instead of @ - then I could send you a hello. One of us should be able to get through. I would really love to hear from you. I have had one DNA match with the name Cashin from Laois, but we couldn't figure out where the connection was. It's amazing that some DNA was still left to match since Michael Cashin was my 3rd great-grandfather. I will share my email again, and I will be sure to be on the lookout for an email from you.


    Tuesday 22nd Dec 2020, 03:58PM


    Thanks for writing back. Know it is a busy time of year! I went into my sent emails and resent it to you. My e-mail address is Anzen64 at Would love to hear from you also. You are right the distance between us and our ancestors is quite far so hard to make connections. Fun knowing there is someone else researching the name and area. Best wishes for the holidays and look forward to working together.  If you do ‘t Get the email I can copy and paste here instead. Eileen



    Wednesday 23rd Dec 2020, 12:59PM

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