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Dear all,


I am new to researching family genealogy so plese forgive me if this is a basic question and/or please delete if not allowed.


My father and aunt say that my grandparents got married in the Church of Newmarket.

On Irish I have found the record of my grandmother's birth, "registered in the district of Knocktopher" as well as the record of her parents marriage "in the Church of Newmarket in the district of Knocktopher". As such, I am confident that my grandparents would have been married in the same church as my great grandparents. The marriage records on end in 1944 and I have not found a record of my grandparents marriage there. Furthermore, they were married before my aunt was born in 1947, meaning were most likely married in 1945 or 1946, possibly in 1947.


Would one of you know where I should go or who I should contact to find this information?


Best wishes,



Thursday 16th Jul 2020, 10:05AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Martina,

    For your information, Birth, Marriage and Death records are from January 1st 1864. All registered birth and marriage records are on computer. The death records are not fully computerised. They may be up to 1877, so it requires a search of the record book for that particular area.

    You can contact the Registrar in Roscommon at  You can also contact the Health Board Offices in Kilkenny Civil Registration. The telephone number is available on this site. They would have the original records from 1864.

    Other records which may be of interest to you  Catholic Records  and Land Records Free Sites.



    Thursday 16th Jul 2020, 03:27PM
  • That's very helpful, thanks McCoy!


    Friday 17th Jul 2020, 09:38AM

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