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Hello, I will be visiting Ireland next month and have ancestors with the surname of Franklin in County Carlow. I know the surname isn't usual, so I was hoping to get as much information about the different families as I can. My direct ancestor is Luke Franklin who married a Margaret Young in 1825 (name is sometimes reported as Frankly). I hired some genealogists to look into the records and they believe my family is most likely from Ballyknockan in Fenagh. Is there anywhere special I should go to while visiting Carlow? Any help would be great, thanks!




Sunday 25th Feb 2024, 02:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Amber,

    Attached transcription of the marriage of Luke Frankley to Margaret Young on April 19th 1826.

    Subscription site records the marriage having taken place in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow.

    The surname "Franklin" is recorded in County Carlow in 1813. See attached.



    Sunday 25th Feb 2024, 07:54PM
  • Perhaps you might visit the townland, cemeteries, and churches of your ancestors.

    Also, TripAdvisor lists the top things to see/do in Carlow:

    I recommend a meal at the Sha-Roe Bistro in Clonegal, Co. Carlow. 



    Sunday 25th Feb 2024, 07:58PM
  • Attached Files


    Some detail on the history of Tinryland - Credit



    Sunday 25th Feb 2024, 08:06PM
  • Thank you for the records and replies. I am not yet sure if the Tinryland Franklins are the same as mine. I have connected with a descendant of the Tinryland Franklins, and we do have a small match on DNA, but we don't know yet where we connect. There is also a Simon Franklin in Ballyknockan, Fenagh that we had interest in because the name Simon was passed down from Luke Franklin (it was the name of his first son, and continued down our line).

    Are there any places to look in person that I cannot find online? I know many records are digitized but just not searchable, but are there records that still have yet to even be digitized? It's a constant question of whether or not we have found everything available. But, I suppose that is genealogy in Ireland in the early 1800s! Thanks for your help.


    Wednesday 28th Feb 2024, 10:21PM
  • Amber,

    Subscription site has a record of a Simon Franklin baptised in the parish of Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow on December 8th 1839. Father: James Frankin and Mother : Joan Farrell. Address: Upton.

    Simon Frankley baptised in the parish of Bagnelstown on September 9th 1848. Father: Laurence Frankley - Mother: Catherine Brown.

    Details can be found at - Free site



    Thursday 29th Feb 2024, 05:35PM
  • Amber,

    Correction: Simon Frankin 1839 - Not Franklin. Bagenalstown.

    James Frankin married Joanne Farrel on May 7th 1838.

    The following are recorded in Rootsireland: Anne - March 22 1842, Margaret - August 24th 1845, Eleanor - July 8th  1849.



    Thursday 29th Feb 2024, 06:00PM
  • Thank you once again, I did not yet find much of that information in my searches, but have added it to my ever growing Franklin spreadsheet! So those 3 baptisms recorded, were those all for Jame and Joan Farrell as parents?


    Tuesday 5th Mar 2024, 05:12PM
  • Amber,


    They are recorded as "Frankley".  Address for Anne - Upton - which is the same for Simon Frankin.

    Address for Margaret in 1845 was Ballyhubboge. The address for Eleanor was Ballyhuboge. The only record for this address was for the marriage of James Frankley and Joanna Farrel. Source: Dunleckny Parish Register - Page 51 by Brian Walsh.

    There is a question mark in relation to this address. Parish records are poor. Difficult to read.




    Thursday 7th Mar 2024, 05:25PM

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