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Hi, I hope you are able to assist. I'm travelling to Ireland in May/June for family history research and any help would be welcome. 

John Gilligan Born abt 1814 Lumcloon (Lumpaloon) Parish Cloghan, Barony Garrycastle, Offaly.

His mother was Bridget, I don't know his fathers name. I know of two siblings -  James and Thomas

John was arrested for grievous assault 25 Dec 1837, he was involved with 15 other men in an assault on a man called Thomas Heaton. John was identified as the one to hit Heaton causing a severe injury. 

His trial was 9 April 1838 , he received a sentence of seven years transportation to NSW. and left on 8 May 1838 from Kingston Harbour on board "the Clyde".

I have managed to get a copy of the petition from Bridget

petition from Bridget Gilligan for John Gilligan.JPG 

Any help would be welcome.




Tuesday 27th Feb 2024, 02:26AM

Message Board Replies

  • Margaret:

    I looked at the 1823 Tithe listings for Gallen civil parish and there were three Gilligan records for Lumcloon: Peter, Patrick and Thomas. Likely one of the three was the father of John. See further down. Likely Thomas was the correct record.

    The RC baptismal records for Cloghan/Banagher parish also shown as Gallen/Reynagh go back to 1811 but there is a gap of records between September 1812 and September which covers when you have John's birth year. I searched Roots Ireland and did not find any baptismal records for Gilligan children with mother Bridget. However, marriage records for the parish go back to 1797 and I located July 17 1801 marriage between a Thomas Gilligan and a Bridget Kenny in Banagher RC parish. Very likely these two are the parents of John, James and Thomas.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 27th Feb 2024, 05:12PM
  • Margaret:

    If you have not done so already, please complete this form regarding your trip to Ireland  Thanks!

    By the way, there was still a Gilligan family in Lumcloon in the 1901 census. Not sure if they connect back to Thomas or one of the other Gilligans.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 27th Feb 2024, 05:16PM
  • Thank you so much Roger, it's great to give Bridget a family name, when I read her petition for John my heart breaks for her to loose her son as it seemed that she did not have Thomas around then and relied on John to help her on the farm. 

    Would you explain to me how I write this address for the wedding. I'm still getting my head around, townlands, Parish, Barony etc. Is the spelling variation on Lumcloon just historical changes? Would the place where Bridget and Thomas married still be in standing?

    Would you be able to suggest landmarks, cemeteries etc that would be of interest to me. I want to understand the life and hardships that they endured, the type of work done by the community and impacts of the great famine on the remaining family etc. 

    Once again thank you so much Roger I really appreciate the work that you have done for me. Also I will complete the page advising when I am travelling to Ireland. I haven't narrowed the exact dates in each location yet. My family has so many Irish lines from Tyrone, Galway, Clare, Dublin and many more its hard to figure out how to navigate it all. 





    Wednesday 28th Feb 2024, 03:47AM
  • Margaret:

    It is unlikely that an 1801 chapel would still be standing. Here is a link to the current parish   

    I will forward your message to a local volunteer.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 1st Mar 2024, 01:50PM

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