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Sending a big huge SHOUT OUT to Mary Kury and Seamus Callaghan of the St Kieran's Heritage Association for helping us connect to our home townland and ancestors. We visited Ardagh in June and we were honored to meet Mary and Seamus for a tour of Ardagh. Our great great grandfather, John H O'Connor, hailed from nearby Kilscannell and was a participant in the 1867 Fenian Rising with his uncle Patrick. Mary and Seamus explained the events of that March evening and how the plan for the Ardagh police station unraveled. Seeing the town and the buildings which played a critical role in our great great grandfather's life was amazing. Both of our hosts were so informative and kind. 

We also got to see the O'Connor house. I want to thank the Powers family for making this possible. Their graciousness to our family is so appreciated.

We wish we could be with our Ardagh friends this September when the community will be celebrating the Ardagh Chalice anniversary. Know we are with you in spirit Mary, Seamus, and everyone in Ardagh!

I am attaching photos of our family with Seamus and Mary at the police station and at the O'Connor family home.

Thank you Mary and Seamus!

Jeanie, Brad, Matty and Paddy Lewis, Chicago USA


Saturday 14th Jul 2018, 04:33AM

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  • Attached Files

    I attached the photo of my mom and dad with Mary at the O'Connor home last year.  But I also have one of my family with Mary and Seamus this June.

    Jeanie Lewis, Chicago


    Saturday 14th Jul 2018, 04:36AM
  • Hi Jeanie, 

    I sincerely apologise for the delay in getting back to your message here, the usual Parish message alerts I usually always receive did not work for some reason and was I only made aware of this message today by a friend of mine, and for that I am very sorry.  

    I am delighted to hear that your family all really enjoyed your adventure back home to the old country. It was an absolute pleasure for myself and Mary meeting you and your husband Brad, and sons Matt and Paddy and spending the few hours chatting, sharing stories and visiting the few locations in Ardagh and Kilscannell. We were very lucky to get such a beautiful day for it and all as it added alot to being an enjoyable meet and greet. Thank you for your kind words.

    Before I forget, please give my very best to your mother Eileen and you dad Art. I hope they are both keeping well. Myself and Mary were very glad to hear that they both enjoyed the whole experience back in 2017, and in particular your mother Eileen, as it would always have been our intension to try our best to help your mother to connect back to the Parish where her great grandfather John O'Connor would have come from all those many years ago 

    Thank you for thinking of us I will pass on your reards to Mary tonight, take care and enjoy the rest of the summer. 

    All the best 


    Seamus Callaghan, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 3rd Aug 2018, 04:14PM
  • Hi Jeanie,

    I read the wonderful article in the Irish TImes in which you were featured.  Ireland Reaching Out is a fabulous way of bringing people together. I also have distant Ambrose ancestors who were in the Fenian Uprising.  I was in Ardagh in July and met many of my Ambrose cousins for the first time.

    Deborah Sullivan

    Thursday 10th Jan 2019, 08:02PM

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