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Seeking information on James Connolly, born C1770 Ireland, died 1852 NSW Australia; Tried Assizes of Carrickfergus, County Antrim April 1791; the ship indent records say he was tried in County Monaghan; sentence originally execution then changed to 7 years transportation; charge indicted for breaking into the dwelling house of William Johnston of Oldstone, Co. Antrim; guilty and was to be executed on 14 May next; ship Marquis Cornwallis departed 9 August 1795 and arrived 11 February 1796

Friday 18th Jan 2013, 03:24AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear -  Chauvel


    I have John Connolly b1835 Cavan (20 miles from Monaghan), left Ireland about 1857 at the time of the potato famine. His son, my great-grandfather was James. I expect you know that the name is from phonetic Gaelic and means from (con) the dynasty of Niall of the Nine Hostages, an Irish ‘king’ who died circa 450.  You can google that.





    Thursday 14th Feb 2013, 03:06PM
  • Hello Chauvel, I hope you are still contactable through here.
    James CONNOLLY you descrive above is my 4th Gt Grandfather.  :)

    Please reply if you are still on here.

    Regards, Gordon Kelly - Australia



    Friday 21st Apr 2017, 02:21PM

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