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I am looking for the townland in Armagh cited by my ancestor Robert Grimes who left Ireland around 1848. He said his townland was Dugray. I know there is a townland by the name of Doogery, close but I don't believe it is the one. Does anyone know if Dugray existed in the early 19th cent. only to later disappear and be replaced by another, or if it was incorporated into another? If such a name once existed, where in Armagh was it?


Monday 2nd Mar 2015, 12:40AM

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  • There?s certainly no townland called Dugray in the standardized list used today. However in the past names were used that are no obsolete. However the other thing to recall is that spelling varied significantly all the time too ? most of our ancestors were barely literate ? and so many are spelled phonetically, according to the whim of the person recording the information. Dugray could be Doogary.

    You don?t say what denomination Robert was. Doogary is in the parish of Tynan. Have you checked the local parish records to see if there?s any record of his baptism?



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 2nd Mar 2015, 03:25PM

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