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I have just received death records for Patrick and Margaret Gilroy Cleary. Patrick died in 1873 in Lisnaskea. Margaret died in 1906 also inLisnaskea. I am told their church was St.Ninnidahs in Kinawley.  Am wondering if anyone would be able to locate gravesites or information from church. I have contacted parish priest but no reply as yet. Thanks.


Friday 10th May 2013, 06:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Bev,

    Thank you for your message.I hope that someone from the area is able to help you. In the meantime here are some websites:

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,    

    Genealogy Support


    Monday 17th Jun 2013, 10:27AM
  • Hi


    St Ninnidh's Catholic Chapel is in the village of Derrylin, a few  miles from the village of Kinawley.  The town of Lisnaskea is many miles from both of these villages!!


    It may be difficult to have access to the Parish Priests as they are very, very busy people.


    I can look in the Derrylin and Kinawley Chapel for the gravestones and email a photo of anything I find.  If they died in Lisnaskea, it is more likely they are buried there.


    Have you managed to find Margaret on the 1901 and 1911 National Archive, Irish Census.  This may narrow it down to the townlandd they came from.






    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 05:13PM
  • Hello Penny,

    Thanks for your response.

    Margaret is listed on the 1901 Census along with her son, James, his wife, Mary and their daughter Mary Anne.  The Townland is Corravehy; Barony - Knockninny;Parish - Kinawley; Parliamentary Divison - South Fermanagh; Constabulary District - Enniskellen; sub-district - Derrylin; Electoral Division - Aghakilymaud. Margaret died in 1906 and Patrick died in 1873

    Both Patrick's and Margaret's death registry form state District of Derrylin.


    When I received baptismal records on their children Knockninny was the parish listed but no church. I do not have the baptismal certificates just info from records that I received from Cavan Genealogy..

    If you would be so kind when you look in the Derrylin and Kinawley chapel records to also see if any of the children are listed I would certainly appreciate it. Their names are Biddy-born 1850;Mary - born 1851;Ann - born 1852; Pat - born 1854,James - born 1864; Margaret - born 1866lThomas - born 1858;Edward - born 1861; and Catherine - born 1869.If this is too much of an undertaking I understand.

    I appreciate any  help or guidance you could provide.



    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 07:15PM
  • Hi Bev.


    Please leave it with me.  I live close to the Kinawley/Derrylin area so I will see what I can come up with.  What country are you in?  You could email me directly by adding the digit for one to my name on here and then the 'at' sign with


    Regards from Ireland!



    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 11:00PM
  • Hi Penelope,

    Thank you!  I live in the United States in the state of Virginia.



    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 11:41PM

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