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John TALTY married Margaret DOHERTY c1838 in Toureen, Miltown, Malbay, Ireland. They baptised 11 children in St Joseph's Church does anyone have any information about this family? Either history, photos, geographic location or current ancestors. I am an direct line of their daughter Margaret.

Mary baptised 18/12/1839 - went to Australia
Margaret baptised 22/01/1842 - went to Australia
Charles baptised 13/02/1844
Patrick baptised 13/02/1844
Peter baptised 26/11/1845
Bridget baptised 15/09/1847
Susan baptised 30/05/1851
Morgan baptised 30/03/1853
John baptised 27/03/1855
Honora baptised 23/03/1859
Catherine baptised 26/07/1862

Wednesday 1st May 2013, 08:06AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Heather,

    I know that there were a family of Talty's in Toureen known as the Tom Charlie Talty's (Tom - son of Charles) who's remaining decendants were living in London up to a short number of years ago. (I have a lovely photograph of these two men). There were also a family of Talty's in Toureen who are all gone now with the exception of Nora who is currently living and as a Mrs Hennessy. A third Talty family in Toureen were Known as the Patrick Talty's and a fourth as the Pete Talty's. I suspect that all these Talty's were related back along. I am currently digitising the parish records and hope that this will make tracking all theses relations much easier for everyone. I have made some progress in that i have found that most of the Taltys originated from an area between Gelndine and Mount Callan in the parish of Kilfarboy and migrated and emmigrated from there to other areas and countries. This project will take some time though. Please feel free to check out the Talty tree on It changes regularly as information becomes available. I also have some history of my branch of the Talty's in which may be of interest. I will let you know the link to the parish records and also to the site for the Talty's geneology as soon as i can. I have found the records for John and Margaret Doherty and am currently trying to put the pieces of the jigsay together for all the Talty's from the locality. Again this is taking a long time as parish records are almost faded and difficult to read. Please bear with me.




    Brid Talty

    Monday 13th May 2013, 11:59AM
  • Thanks Bridget

    I really appreciate your help and totally understand the time it takes

    Heather, in Victoria, Australia.

    Monday 13th May 2013, 02:32PM
  • Hi Heather,

    The Family you mention are listed in the parish records with one small variation;

    John Talty and Margaret Doherty

    Mary                18/12/1839

    Margt                 22/01/1842

    Charles            13/02/1844

    Pat                   13/02/1844

    Peter                26/11/1845

    Brid                 15/09/1847

    Susan             30/05/1851

    Morgan            30/03/1853

    John                27/03/1855

    Honora           23/03/1859

    Cath               26/07/1862


    I have also located Charles married to Mary O Connor and their family names if you would like them. They had a son Tom who is the Tom Charlie Taty i mentioned previously. Two of his sons names were Michael and Martin who died in England a number of years ago and there are no more of these family left here. I will find their photo or you. Michael played traditional irish music on the mouth organ. I have also found Peter Talty married to Bridget Quinn who had a son Murt and is the grandfather of a remaining Martin Talty from this line in Toureen at present.


    As for Pat and Morgan and John - no luck yet. I would think that they probably emmigrated. It will take longer to find the females as it will have to wait until i come across their names in marriages and death records.

    They would be decendants of one of Pat Peter and Tom - brothers who had holdings in Toureen Kilfarboy in 1823 (See tithes and applotments)

    Also see the Ballard grave stone inscriptios for Taltys from Toureen.



    Brid T


    Friday 24th May 2013, 01:12AM
  • Thanks heaps for all this info, you have found some great stuff.

    Yes please! I would like the family details of Charles Talty 13/02/1844 married to Mary O’Connor. (and any/all of the details of my Talty line.) I am so excited by your findings it is great…

    Michael and Martin who died in England a number of years ago – is their father Tom Charlie Talty?

    The Peter Talty married to Bridget Quinn is this Peter Talty 22/05/1883, son of  Charles Talty and Mary O’Connor?

    When you say “They would be decendants of one of Pat Peter and Tom - brothers who had holdings in Toureen Kilfarboy in 1823” Does this mean that  Peter Talty would be the father of these 2 brothers? Is it probable then that John Talty married to Margaret Doberty is a brother of Pat Peter and Tom? Does holdings mean they owned land or lived on the land and worked the farm for someone else or did they lease the land?

    I will check out the tithes and applotments and  the Ballard grave stone inscriptios for Taltys from Toureen

    Your tree on Mundia: I am unsure how to access it there. Is it on too?


    Thanks again



    Friday 24th May 2013, 11:23PM
  • Thanks heaps for all this info, you have found some great stuff.

    Yes please! I would like the family details of Charles Talty 13/02/1844 married to Mary O’Connor. (and any/all of the details of my Talty line.) I am so excited by your findings it is great…

    Michael and Martin who died in England a number of years ago – is their father Tom Charlie Talty?

    The Peter Talty married to Bridget Quinn is this Peter Talty 22/05/1883, son of  Charles Talty and Mary O’Connor?

    When you say “They would be decendants of one of Pat Peter and Tom - brothers who had holdings in Toureen Kilfarboy in 1823” Does this mean that  Peter Talty would be the father of these 2 brothers? Is it probable then that John Talty married to Margaret Doberty is a brother of Pat Peter and Tom? Does holdings mean they owned land or lived on the land and worked the farm for someone else or did they lease the land?

    I will check out the tithes and applotments and  the Ballard grave stone inscriptios for Taltys from Toureen

    Your tree on Mundia: I am unsure how to access it there. Is it on too?


    Thanks again



    Friday 24th May 2013, 11:24PM
  • Hi Heather,

    The Tom is a son of Charles (1844) and Tom's sons Michael and Martin are the men in the photo i referred to. They also had another son John(Jack) who lived and passed in England.


    The Peter is the Peter from 1845 and married to Bridget Quinn. His son was Murt and also other family which i can send to you. This family are known as the Petie Murty Taltys in Toureen in order to distinguish them from other families,


    Tithes and applotments…

    This shows the Taltys who had farms of land being rented from the Landlords in the early 1800's. They were obliged to pay tithes to the Church of England in order to maintain the church which was used by the landlords. This is why we have there records now. These pots of land would have been adjacent to each other in the case of Peter, Patrick and Tom Talty and more that likely they were brithers as land was divided between offspring from generation to generation. One of these would most lively have been Your John Talty (Margaret Doherys) father. In the late 1700's there was a Peter Talty in situ in Toureen as he is listed as one of the arrested United Irish men at the insurrection at Ennistymon in 1799. This Peter was more that likely the father of Patrick, Peter and Tom and he originated in Glendine. See Michael Talty on the list from Glendine who would have been his brother,…

    My tree on Mundia is a litte confused at the moment as i have inserted one man in the wrong place and am trying to sort that out but it is under Taltyb and i can invite you to look at it if you contact me through the site.…

    Search the Martin Talty tree with the photo taltyb tree.

    Please send on your email for further files and images




    TaltyPat'k KilfarboyKilfarboy

    Pat'k, Peter & Tom Talty; West

    Saturday 25th May 2013, 09:46AM
  • To which state in Australia did Margaret and Mary emigrate. Did they marry? What were their married names. Peter (maybe John or vica versa) Talty was the sponsor for Martin Malone (22/3/1848).  Martin was the son of Anthony Malone and Bridget Anne Murray. They had 10 chn (1848-1865) and all were baptised at St Joseph's Chruch Milltown Malbay. They lived in Clonboney. Anthony and daughter Ellen died in 1866 and 1875. I have no record of the first Martin. The 9th child was named Martin Joseph (7/3/1863). Michael 1849) emigrated to the US in 1872 on the ""Spain", and the rest including their mother went to South Australia by 1882/3. I am hitting too many brick walls that I have to start thinking laterally. Hopefully, you will recognise some of my names. Thank you. Toni


    Wednesday 16th Oct 2013, 10:15AM
  • Hi - I am a descendent of Bridget Talty (born 1838 in Tureen; baptised Miltown Malbray).  Her father was Peter Talty (1810- 1878) and her mother Mary Cory.  She married Patrick O'Hara from Tulla in Clare but when they were both in Australia.  They married in Sandhurst, VIC in 1859.  They had my great grandmother - Clare O'Hara in Australia along with their other children. Patrick was a gold miner and the family shifted to Otago in New Zealand. The dates would suggest she may have been a contemporary of John Talty above?  I would love to be able to join up with this group and learn more of the Talty's.  I am in Ireland at the moment and plan to drive down to Tureen and Miltown Malbray on Christmas day on my way to Dingle. I have photos of the Australian family but of course nothing of anyone prior to this! I do hope this email chain isn't years old and I am too late for any replies but its great to know there are others in the extended family out there so I am sure I can make contact some other way if this doesn't work.  Kind regards, Liz Leydon (





    Thursday 20th Dec 2018, 10:02AM
  • I am a direct descendant of John and Margaret Talty. Susan is my great grandmother.


    Monday 4th Mar 2024, 05:08AM

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