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Hello, I ha e just learned of my connection to the Russell family with help from IrelandXO's Jane Halloran and the County Clare Facebook Genealogy group. Michael and Margaret Russell lived in Binvoran, farming house 16 in the 1901 census. They had 3 children I have found so far. Bridget, (1873-?) John (1865-?)and James (1875-?)

Margaret was born Approx. 1833. I suspect there are more births. Marriage would be between 1858-1864 based in the birth of the eldest found and her estimated age in the census.

I have tithe appt record. Looking for marriage, other births and deaths

Beth Walsh

Tuesday 2nd May 2017, 11:11PM

Message Board Replies

  • Beth:

    Welcome back to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I located the civil death records for Michael (1898) and Margaret (1907). You will have to sign-in to see the records.

    The RC parish for Binvoran would be Kilmurry McMahon and records go back to `836 for marriages. However I was not able to locate the record on Find My Past and I'm wondering if Margaret is from a different parish (marriage would have been in her parish). All the parishes around Kilmurry McMahon start too late for someone who married late 1850s or so.

    My suggestions is to try to find the civil birth records for one of the children you mention and that record would show the maiden name for Margaret. has civil birth record images from 1864-1915. The registration district is Kildysart.

    Roger mcDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 3rd May 2017, 08:45PM
  • Hi Roger, thank you so much for this. I will use the death records to look for further information on this. One child, Bridget married a McNamara from the Kilchreest Parish so I will look there. I have not found Bridget Russell McNamaras death record yet.

    You are a gem for posting these. Thank you.

    If you need help in Southern California, USA let me know.

    Tuesday 30th May 2017, 10:29PM

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