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Yes I am looking for the same person who was the first wife of John Jennings who must have died in Ireland. Henry was the brother of Catherine. I no longer live in the Bathurst area but I do have information on our relatives after they came to NB. I have no information on relatives in Ireland. I descended from John, Henry, Thomas,Henry (Harry), Donald. I am going to Ireland in the fall and would like to try to find out more about this possible Catherine D.connection. I may have an opportunity to ask questions if I have a lead on a location. We had heard that name too. We have relatives in Saint John NB but they have become distant in our generation. I do have some of their names. Some of them used to visit when I was a child. It is possible they may know the maternal side. Not sure what you already have but I am willing to share anything I have.

Patricia Jennings Maguire

Wednesday 8th May 2013, 07:57PM

Message Board Replies

  • Congratulations on your trip to ireland and may you find more info on our elusive ancestors. Check my post to Ballymodan Parish for perhaps a few more clues.  Here's another one.  Catherine named one of her daughters Catherine Hungerford.  A fairly common surname in the Cork city/ Bandon area, but I have not been able to make a connection.

    Re widow Anne Fuller: I found an Anne Fuller married a Richard Wolfe in 1819.  I don't have the details before me now but  one of John and Anne's grandaughters, Mary Bateman, named a daughter Anne Fuller. Perhaps worth checking on.

    I have been in touch with some of Henry's descendents in Saint John.  They don't seem to have any info on Henry's mother.

    Thursday 9th May 2013, 11:09AM
  • Thanks for more clues. I will see what I can find out. I attended a session given by Terence Punch last week so my interest in digging has been renewed. He said that the Irish did reuse names frequently. There are many Henrys and Catherines.

    I have found the old deeds to the John Jennings properties online. There are some old papers in the family that I have not looked through yet but those deeds may still be in the family. I will have a chance to see them before my trip to Portmagee.

    I joined Ballymodan Parish.

    I will let you know if I find anything for you to pursue. I so hope someone from the Parishes recognise some of our names.

    Patricia Jennings Maguire

    Thursday 9th May 2013, 01:37PM

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