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Looking for Grandmother's family history. Currently know the following: family comes from Glandore, Co. Cork. Gurtyowen house 2. Parish is Kilfaughnabeg. The 1901 Irish Census shows the head of house to be John Brien, age 70 wife is Margaret gives last name as Brien and age as 70, daughter is Bridget Mollowney age 36, son in-law is Patrick Mollowney age 36, granddaughter Margaret Mollownet age 1 and granddaughter Mary infant. Then the 1911 Irish census Shows the head of house to be Patrick Peter Moloney age 50 wife is Bridget Moloney, children as follows Margaret, Mary, John, Jeremiah, Kate, and Bridget.

Bridget is my Grandmother, although she had to change her name when she moved to the States as her Aunt (sponsor) felt Bridget sounded too Irish so she used her middle name which was Delia. Kate alos came to the States and went by the nickname of Kitty and married John O'Dowd.

I am interested in finding out more on Patrick Peter Moloney. Thank you for any help in my search!!   

Friday 26th Apr 2013, 12:17AM

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