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I'm looking for the Mulhern and McFadden families from Castlewray.  I've found some in the 1901 and 1911 census, as well as, a birth record for Ellen Mulhern from 1872 (mother's maiden name was McFadden).  I'm hoping to find earlier records of the families.  Where would the Catholics in Castlewray have worshipped?  Where would they most likely be buried?

Thank you for any hints you can provide.

Sunday 20th Oct 2013, 04:19AM

Message Board Replies

  • Castlewray is the electoral area that covered the various townlands the families lived in. The families in the 1901 census lived in the townlands of Lanehead, Cashelshanaghan and Loughnagin, all of which are just outside Letterkenny. So they probably attended church in Letterkenny. The parish records (Aughnish) start in 1873. See:

    The records for that parish from 1873 to 1900 are on-line on the rootsireland site (pay to view):

    I notice that the families were agricultural labourers. That usually meant they would move about a bit following the work, so they may not always have lived in the townlands on the 1901 census.

    I would start looking for graves in churchyards in and around Letterkenny. However agricultural labourers often couldn't afford a gravestone, so you may not find one.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 20th Oct 2013, 07:48AM
  • Thanks for the info.  I'll follow up.


    Sunday 20th Oct 2013, 02:28PM
  • I had Malseed relatives living in Knockybrin, just up the hill from Castlewray and their descedants were buried in Gortlee Cemetery. so you may try there too.  .Its a medium size cemetery, but there's only a couple graves listed on find-a-grave

    Monday 29th Dec 2014, 03:59AM

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