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Hello all. My McGlynns came from Letterbrick, or that is what has been told to me anyway! My first McGlynn who emigrated was Charles McGlynn, born about 1827 to John McGlynn and Grace Gallagher. Charles came to Philadelphia, PA, USA in the 1840s. He married Ann Gallagher, I do not know whether he did so in Ireland or in Philadelphia, and i do not know anything about her parents or place of origin. Charles worked as a tailor and died in 1906. I would love to know more about my McGlynns and see if there is any family still in Letterbrick today. I have more information on the family in Philadelphia, also. Thank you!

Tuesday 12th Jul 2016, 03:48PM

Message Board Replies

  • kamcglynn:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The RC records for Kilteevoge parish start in 1855

    The 1857 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Kilteevoge civil parish shows many McGlynn records which shows that the surname was very common in that area. Nine of the records are for Letterbrick.

    The 1901 census for Letterbrick shows 10 McGlynn records.…

    I looked at the online Irish phone book (which is only a partial list of phone users)  and there were 55 McGlynn records (make sure you use the Residential Tab)  None of the records show Letterbrick but there are some near Cloghan. You may want to write to these people.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 12th Jul 2016, 04:12PM
  • Thank you so much, Sir! My struggle, of course, is that it seems as though so many Irish records do not start until after the time when my Charles McGlynn would have left Ireland. Unfortunately, I also do not know the names of any of his siblings, so that doesn't help things. I assume some would have remained in Ireland. I will look at the phone book for sure. Thank you again!

    Tuesday 12th Jul 2016, 04:54PM
  • Co. Donegal is very difficult to research because there are very few RC parish records prior to 1860. On my latest message to you regarding John Donnelly, I suggested that you consider autosomal DNA testing.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 12th Jul 2016, 05:26PM

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