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I was born and raised at 53 Church St, Dublin. I attended the Irish Sisters of Charity, Stanhope St. Convent, Manor St, Dublin. My mom was known as Agnes Walsh and I had family living in Crumlin, Bride St, Dublin 1 Bray, Co Wicklow also Ringsend area. I have family also in Norther Ireland who I am in contact with. My grandfather was know a Joseph Walsh and my grandmother was Mary Elizabeth Sheridan. I did have family that lived in Friary Ave she was know as Lillie Sheridan. My late fathers family came from 30 Sargan St, Ringsend, Dublin and he was know as John Christopher Gunning. He married my late mom Agenes J Walsh back on December 26, 1945 in St Michans Catholic Church, Halston St. Dublin. 

I truly would love to make contact with my family so if anyone out there recognizes any family name please contact me via this board. I would truly love to find any member of my family living in Ireland. I will be over to Ireland sometime in the fall and would love to be in contact with.

Mary Gunning Morrow, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

Friday 6th May 2016, 02:52PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. 

    While we do our best to connect people on our site, this connection is usually with descendants of those who left Ireland during and after the famine and distant relations of the original family who may have remained. Usually our research  focuses on those prior to 1913.


    In order to protect the privacy of those who may still be living we ask our volunteers and users to abide by the 100 year rule, thereby not providing information about individuals without their express consent. The latest available online records are the Census of 1901 and 1911 below and the index of births, marriages and deaths available to view for free at




    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 9th May 2016, 01:55PM
  • HI There

    I just read your post - my Granny was Lille Sheridan and she lived in Friary Avenue.  My mother is still alive (aged 86).  I have done a lot of work on my family tree so I would love to find out anything that you may know or give you any info I have.  My grandfather James (married to Lillie) had a sister called Mary (but known as Katherine I think) and Mammy told me that she married  a Joe Walsh and lived on church street - is this your family?

    Best regards



    Sunday 15th May 2016, 08:17AM
  • Hello again

    I was talking to my mother Marie Sheridan (daughter of the Lillie you referred to) earlier  - she remembers your mum Agnes Walsh very well and your Grandfather Joe Walsh who she told me was very  involved in the trade union movement.  She remembered that your mum went to live in America. I remember very well meeting John Walsh many times as a kid -he would have been you mum's brother. I would be happy to meet you as would my mum when you come over in the Autumn,



    Monday 16th May 2016, 05:25PM
  • Hi please email me if you wold like to swap email addresses. You can contact me on so that you can discuss meet up details privately

    All the best

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 17th May 2016, 09:06AM
  • I would love for you to send my email to my family so we can connect. I have spent years looking and trying to connect with them. My late mom was not one to keep in touch with family I on the other hand want to be part of family it very important to me. So and help you can provide would be great. Thank You

    Mary Gunning Morrow, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 20th May 2016, 01:57PM
  • Hi Ann  I am so excited to make contact with family. My late mother was not one to do this so I guess I take after my late father. I have given permission to IrelandXO to forward you my email address so we can get in touch. Since the passing of my late husband David in 2010 I have travelled back to Ireland each year looking for family without any success. IrelandXO was my last ditch effort to find you all. Once I read you message and had a crying fit I was ok and happy to connect with you all. Who knew that this would happen. I am living right now with my brother in Middletown NY which is 50 miles outside New York City. As I said I am planning to go over to Ireland in the Fall and would truly love to meet you all. Now here is a questions do you have any information on Aunt Maggie in Annagassan Co. Louth. God Bless Mary





    Mary Gunning Morrow, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 20th May 2016, 02:08PM

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