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Seeking contact with descendants of  Catherine Clarke and Michael Geraghty married 2/14/1867 in Killeroran/Ballygar. Children: Bridget (b 1868), Catherine (b 1875), Mary (b 1869), John (b 1871), Pat (b 1873). They lived in Clonbrock Galway.

Catherine is daughter of Daniel Clarke and Catherine Delaney (Dilleney).Other siblings were Michael , Margaret and Ann.


Sunday 18th Aug 2013, 11:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your message. I hope that someone connected to this family or with information on the family contacts you.

    Have you tried checking the 1901/1911 census records to see if there were any family members still living in the area at the turn of the century? You can check these here:

    It may also be an idea to join the Rootsweb Co. Galway mailing list, or even to just browse through previous messages to see if there is anything of relevance to you there:

    In the meantime, I will forward this message onto one of our volunteers in a neighbouring parish who may know of someone that can be of assistance.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 21st Aug 2013, 11:50AM
  • Hi Emma,

    Thanks for your reply. I found a couple of matching Geraghtys in Killeroran in the censi but nothing for Mannions or Healys. Apparently Michael Clarke and his descendants continued to live at the home of my forebear, Daniel Clarke. I've requested records for the valoffice in Dublin to confirm the relationship.

    John Clark




    Wednesday 21st Aug 2013, 12:30PM
  • My maternal grandmother (Bridget Geraghty) was the oldest child of Michael Geraghty and Catherine Clarke. She emigrated to America in 1890 and changed her name to Delia Garrity. She married Myles Murphy in New York City in 1905. They moved to Boston, where according to the 1910 and 1920 census, she ran a boarding house. She died in 1950. I guess we are related.


    Wednesday 21st Aug 2013, 02:48PM
  • Hi Eddie,

    Daniel Clarke had 6 children with Bridget Mulligan and 5 migrated to New York about 1850, a cousin of mine has done an extensive family history of Daniels 5 children and 43 grandchildren in NY. Apparently he remarried and had 4 children with Catherine Delaney, thats what I'm trying to confirm with the property records.If so, then Daniel had at least 10 children and about 70 grandchildren which is kind of interesting.

    Several women in my family were named Bridget or Berdelia but were known as Delia or Deal.

    Do you have a Garrity/Murphy family history?





    Wednesday 21st Aug 2013, 04:32PM
  • I have a history on both of them which I got from the EAST GALWAY genealogy society. Unfortunately the Murphy side is not so clear.  If you e-mail me at with information on how I could get in touch with you I am sure it would be informative for both of us.


    Wednesday 21st Aug 2013, 05:26PM
  • I am going to be doing a module on Family history in Ballygar secondary school starting Monday. I stopped in to see baptismal records tonight at the parish and checked out ones for Daniel and Catherine Delaney (Margaret 1845 | Norah 1854 | Elizabeth 1856 and Luke 1850) as well as Lawrence and Nora Quinn (Queeny) (Mark 1858 | Catherine 1856 and Andrew 1860) 

    Clarke's shop has been recently sold and I will make enquiries about family connections to modern descendents on Monday

    Let me know what info that you would like and I will see what I can do



    MartinCurley, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 7th Sep 2013, 09:06PM
  • Hi Martin,

    Probably the key bit of info we need is the marriage document for Daniel Clarke and Catherine Delaney which should have occurred late 1830s in St Mary's. It would help if we knew if he was a widower or bachelor when he married Catherine Delaney.

    Here is our quandry.

    1)We have birth records for 6 children born to Daniel Clarke and Bridget Myleague(Mulligan) between 1820 and 1835 from E Galway center. We have solid documentation that 5 migrated to US, a 6th child Mary is missing - no marriage or burial records that we could find. We have marriage record for Dan and Bridget Mulligan. All the records are from St Mary's

    2) I found online Mormon birth records for 4 additional children born to Daniel Clarke and Catherine Dillaney (var spellings) the oldest Michael was born 1845. His grandson,Donal (Daniel) Clarke family is in Old Killeroran area.

    3) There were 2 Daniel Clarke properties in Ballygar Market Square (there are no cognomens in Griffiths). There were a couple Daniel Clarke properties in Killeroran townland south of Ballygar and there are a couple more in Drinuan with the cognomen "Daniel Clarke of Killeroran". I'm assuming that "of Killeroran" refers to the parish, if it refers to the townland then there might have been two Daniel Clarkes living at the same time in Killeroran parish, one in Ballygar and another in Killeroran. I have requested records from Dublin Valoff to try an verify successor occupants of the properties since they are supposed to continue in the family.

    4) We have documentation of the Daniel Clarke and Bridget Mulligan marriage of 1815 but nothing for Daniel Clarke and Catherine Dillaney probably late 1830s. If that marriage showed Daniel as widowed not bachelor it would give me confidence that "our Daniel" had remarried. The age of the second set of children would fit in (we have no death date for Daniel or Bridget Mulligan.)

    I have family histories for Daniel Clarke and Lawrence Clarke. The Lawrence Clarke family history prepared by the alte Rev Jenkins of Villanova University identifies Daniel and lawrence as brothers and they had joint property in Griffiths. fr Jenkins was friends with Mary Wall Clarke who operated the Clarke store. Lawrence Clarke was married into a Protestant Clarke family that owned the store. The Protestant Clarkes were related to the Protestant Kellys that owned the land around castle Kelly. Kelly attended the baptism of one of Daniel Clarke and Bridget Mulligans children.


    Daniel Clarke's son John married an Ellenor Mannion and there were Mannions who witnessed a couple of the marriages of the Clarke/Delaney children. I think the Mannions were from Athleague.

    Two of the Clarke/Mulligan children married Keoughs from Ballygar c1850, the Keough parents also migrated to the US

    I have a copy of the Lawrence Clark family history which goes back several hundred years in Ireland. I offered a copy to the Ballygar library but didn't get a reply. Perhaps you would like a copy. The Daniel Clarke family historyy is 99% US and probably less interst to you. rev Jenkins publiched the Lawrence Clarke family history, he was a genealogist but relied almost exclusively on oral history (nothing was online when he prepared it!

    Thanks for your help




    Sunday 8th Sep 2013, 12:57PM
  • Hi Martin,

    Probably the key bit of info we need is the marriage document for Daniel Clarke and Catherine Delaney which should have occurred late 1830s in St Mary's. It would help if we knew if he was a widower or bachelor when he married Catherine Delaney.

    Here is our quandry.

    1)We have birth records for 6 children born to Daniel Clarke and Bridget Myleague(Mulligan) between 1820 and 1835 from E Galway center. We have solid documentation that 5 migrated to US, a 6th child Mary is missing - no marriage or burial records that we could find. We have marriage record for Dan and Bridget Mulligan. All the records are from St Mary's

    2) I found online Mormon birth records for 4 additional children born to Daniel Clarke and Catherine Dillaney (var spellings) the oldest Michael was born 1845. His grandson,Donal (Daniel) Clarke family is in Old Killeroran area.

    3) There were 2 Daniel Clarke properties in Ballygar Market Square (there are no cognomens in Griffiths). There were a couple Daniel Clarke properties in Killeroran townland south of Ballygar and there are a couple more in Drinuan with the cognomen "Daniel Clarke of Killeroran". I'm assuming that "of Killeroran" refers to the parish, if it refers to the townland then there might have been two Daniel Clarkes living at the same time in Killeroran parish, one in Ballygar and another in Killeroran. I have requested records from Dublin Valoff to try an verify successor occupants of the properties since they are supposed to continue in the family.

    4) We have documentation of the Daniel Clarke and Bridget Mulligan marriage of 1815 but nothing for Daniel Clarke and Catherine Dillaney probably late 1830s. If that marriage showed Daniel as widowed not bachelor it would give me confidence that "our Daniel" had remarried. The age of the second set of children would fit in (we have no death date for Daniel or Bridget Mulligan.)

    I have family histories for Daniel Clarke and Lawrence Clarke. The Lawrence Clarke family history prepared by the alte Rev Jenkins of Villanova University identifies Daniel and lawrence as brothers and they had joint property in Griffiths. fr Jenkins was friends with Mary Wall Clarke who operated the Clarke store. Lawrence Clarke was married into a Protestant Clarke family that owned the store. The Protestant Clarkes were related to the Protestant Kellys that owned the land around castle Kelly. Kelly attended the baptism of one of Daniel Clarke and Bridget Mulligans children.


    Daniel Clarke's son John married an Ellenor Mannion and there were Mannions who witnessed a couple of the marriages of the Clarke/Delaney children. I think the Mannions were from Athleague.

    Two of the Clarke/Mulligan children married Keoughs from Ballygar c1850, the Keough parents also migrated to the US

    I have a copy of the Lawrence Clark family history which goes back several hundred years in Ireland. I offered a copy to the Ballygar library but didn't get a reply. Perhaps you would like a copy. The Daniel Clarke family historyy is 99% US and probably less interst to you. rev Jenkins publiched the Lawrence Clarke family history, he was a genealogist but relied almost exclusively on oral history (nothing was online when he prepared it!

    Thanks for your help




    Sunday 8th Sep 2013, 12:57PM
  • Hi John, I am a descendant of the Lawrence Clarke line that you mention in your posts and I am wondering how I could get a copy of the Lawrence Clarke history that was written by Rev Jenkins. It is news to us that this document exists and we would be excited to see it.



    Monday 28th May 2018, 06:50PM
  • Hi Carol,

    My email is and if you contact me directly I will send you electronic copies of the family history prepared by the late Rev Jenkins of Villanova. A descendant of the Lawrence Clark line recently visited Ballygar and my cousin Gene Clark has a great family history online at Ancestry which goes back a few more gens in Ireland, once I receive your contact info I'll give you Gene Clark's contact so you can request viewing permission.


    John Calrk

    Spring Lake NJ


    Tuesday 29th May 2018, 03:11PM

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