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My 3rd Great Grandfather Richard Laide was born or baptized in Dromatoor, Ballyheigue, Co. Kerry on 25 Dec 1807.  This date is from a family record in the U.S.  Richard Laide married Johanna Sullivan about 1832.  Johanna was from Causeway, Killury, Co. Kerry bordering Ballyheigue.  She was born on 17 Nov 1813 in Boolenshaire, Ballyheigue and her parents were Thomas Sullivan and Juliana Dineen.  I was able to find baptism records for several of their children all in Dromatour (various spellings) in Parish Causeway.  John Laide was baptized on 6 Feb 1834, James Laide on 18 Jul 1836, Catherine Laide on 12 Jun 1839 and Mary Laide on 9 Mar 1942.  Richard Laide and his wife Johanna Sullivan emigrated to the U.S. and appear in the 1850 US Census living in Franklin Co. in Northern New York State with four of their children (Ed age 18, James age 13, Catherine age 10 and Bridget age 6).  Their son James Laide (born circa 1837) was my 2nd Great Grandfather.  His son Richard Laide was my Great Grandfather and Richard's daughter Marion Laide was my very special grandmother.

There is a family record in the States that indicates that Richard Laide's parents were John Hugh Lead (circa 1775 to circa 1845) and Catherine Shanahan.  However, I have not found Richard Laides' birth or baptism record (circa Dec 1807), nor have I found a record for his parents.  I would love to connect with someone who may have more information about the Laides from the Ballyheigue or Causeway area.  I believe there may still be Laides residing in the Ballyheigue are and would love to may a connection.  My wife and I were in Ballyheigue three years ago for a very brief stay (a few hours) and were delighted to see a gravestone in the newer cemetery with the family name spelled Laide (the same spelling of Laide for my grandmother)!  In some of the Ireland and US records I have seen various other spellings (e.g. Leade, Lead, Layde, Laid).

In the 1852 Griffith's Valuation there were four Laids with a house and land in the Parish of Ballyheige.  They were John, Margaret, William and Bridget Laid.  It is possible that John Laid may have been the father of my 3rd Great Grandfather Richard who emigrated to the States prior to 1850.  I could not find any Laids (Laides) in the Tithe Applotments.  Actually, I couldn't find Ballyheigue in the Tithe Applotments.

Special thanks in advance to anyone who can provide me with information or leads regarding the Laides.

Mike Lancor   Moultonborough, NH, US



Saturday 18th Feb 2017, 06:44PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Mike!

    I see that you have not received  a response to this message.

    I checked the online Irish phone book  and there were five Laide records and four were in the general area around Tralee. Make sure you use the Residential TAB.

    The 1901 and 1911 census records show a John Laide family in Dromatoor. Possibly this is a nephew of Richard. He appears to be about 10 years too young to be Richard's son. I also found his church marriage record (below) from 1868. If you get his civil record, it will show his father's name.

    Roger McDonnell……

    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - BALLYHEIGUE

    Marriage of JOHN LAID of NR and JOHANNA FORHAN of TIERSHANNAHAN on 15 February 1868


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 22nd Feb 2017, 04:50PM
  • Thanks Roger!  You most certainly do a fantastic job of getting back to those of us who post on Ireland Reaching Out.  I will definitely follow up on all of your leads.  Thanks for pointing out the residential phone tab.  I had not found this fantastic resource (the on line phone book) before and will be using it to try and locate long lost relatives.  By the way, I believe the Laides were in the Ballyheigue area before they were in Tralee.  There are and were very few Laides in Co. Kerry, so I think they are (were) all related in one way or another.



    Thursday 23rd Feb 2017, 12:30AM
  • Mike,  I believe that your Catherine Laide is my GG Grandmother.  My GG Grandfather was James Benan from Ireland don't know the County.

    In 1860, he is 26 married to Catherine 20 in Brasher, St Lawrence, New York. Do you have any information to confirm?

    I have several documents that I would have to did up in my files that states that this is indeed Catherine Laide but would like to confirm connection with your family.

    Thanks,  Gary Davis

    Monday 14th May 2018, 06:56PM
  • Hi Gary,

    It is absolutely fantastic to hear from you!  There is little or no doubt that your GG Grandmother Catherine Laide is indeed the daughter of Richard and Johanna Sullivan Laide.  The age for Catherine when she was married is a match, the surname Laide is very rare, and Brasher, St. Lawrence Co. is just across the county border from Moira, Franklin Co. where Richard and Johanna Laide lived in 1850.

    I will definitely start searching for Catherine and her husband James Benan and let you know what I find.  In the meantime, if you have any additional information about your GG Grandmother Catherine Laide, then please send the information to me.

    My personal email is  You can send the information to me on my personal email and that way we can keep one another posted.  I currently live in central NH, but grew up in Harrisville, NY where Richard and Johanna Laide's son James Laide settled when his parents moved to Wisconsin during the 1850s.

    Mike Lancor


    Wednesday 16th May 2018, 11:35AM

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