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My Great Grandfather was Michael Healy born circa 1832 in Mill, Annuscaul County Kerry.

His parents were Patrick and Mary (Brien, O'Brienne,O'Brien,Bryan). Patrick was a farm worker and moved around the area with lings to Springmont, Gortatlea, Ash Hill, Ballymacelligott.

Michael came to New Zealand in 1856 abourd the ship John Masterman which sailed from Gravesend to Nelson, New Zealand. Michael's brother John had already come out in 1855 and settled in the Nelson area.

Michael married Grace ellen Doherty from Moville/Londonderry, Noth Donegal. They married in Christchurch, New Zealand in 1858 and had approximately 18 children. My grandfather was the youngest.

Any information on Michael's family would be greatly appreciated in helping compile our family tree.

Kind Regards

Murray Healey

Monday 10th Dec 2012, 04:14AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Murray,

    My name is Paul. If you haven't already you might check Tithe Books which are available online from the National Archives of Ireland or Griffiths Valuation which is also online. 

    Some sites that may be of some use to you are:

    I hope that this is of some use to you.


    Yours sincerely,

    Paul Dwyer

    Tuesday 11th Dec 2012, 11:12AM

    The baptism of one of Michaels siblings, his older brother John

    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - ANNASCAUL

    Baptism of JOHN HEALY of GARRAHIES on 13 December 1829

    Back to search results

    New search

    Date of Birth 13 December 1829 (BASED ON OTHER DATE INFORMATION)
    Address GARRAHIES
    Mother MARY BRIEN

    Further details in the record

    Child Denomination RC
    Father Occupation NR
    Sponsor 2 ANN ASH


    Mallow Cork

    Sunday 27th Jan 2013, 05:48PM
  • Hi Murray ... you might be interested in my post regarding the Healys and the Brosnahans. I am trying to find the link between Deborah Healy and Johanna Fitzgerald who were both Brosnahans. Your Patrick was Deborah's son. Leonie


    Thursday 28th Jul 2016, 02:40AM

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