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The description and map for Kildrum don't seem right to me.

It says "Kildrum is in the barony of Corkaguiney is situated on the boundries of Cork near enough to Dingle harbour."
I don't think it is anywhere near Cork is it? That is the wrong Kildrum.

The map is nowhere near the Kerry Kildrum.

This is more like it...…


Friday 4th Oct 2013, 02:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Mike ,

    Thank you for you rmessage and for drawing our attention to this. I have removed the misleading information. I also changed the Google map. However, Kildrum is not on the map so I pinned Ventry instead as it is a town in the parish.

    Thanks again,


    Genealogy Support

    Monday 14th Oct 2013, 03:53PM

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