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In trying to locate "my" Strettons (Robert, Mary Cooke and children) in Leitrim, I find that there was a John Stretton in Mohill, Leitrim who was attacked killed in 1838. I believe that this may have been a brother to my Robert.

According to the attached newspaper article, John Stretton was attacked late October 1838 while leaving Mohill to go home to Streamstown (near Cloone). According to other articles, he died some days after the attack. There were a number of attacks on Protestants in the area around that time, including on a Robert Cooke, which is the same name as my 4x great grandfather (father to Mary Cooke Stretton).

According to family stories, "my" Strettons were threatened and left the area and went to Canada about 1844. I cannot find the family anywhere on an 1841 Census, other than Robert and Mary's son, James Stretton, age 12,as a lodger at the home of Archy Elliott in Killashandra, Derreskit, Cavan (some 25km from Cloone).

Would there be any way of finding out a bit more information about John Stretton (age, wife, children)? Would there be any court or police documents that would have more personal details?

As well, my sister and I will be in Ireland and have 3 days (May 11-14) where we are hoping to visit the area of our ancestors. We have not booked to be anywhere in particular yet, and would be interested in contacting someone in the area. The Cookes were in Gortermone, Carrigallen. Still looking for the Strettons! :)

Thanks! Robyn Kendall


Sunday 31st Dec 2023, 09:01PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Robyn, I located a reference to your query re the murder of John Stretton in Lord Leitrims papers held in the National Archives and it appears he was a Proctor ? and a Bailiff and this appears to be why he was murdered, there is a brief description of the letter about 1 paragraph, the book I have is copyright and while it is a small reference one word in his description maybe found a little offensive, not a swear work. I will mail you a photo of the paragraph if you wish to email me at I am the volunteer in South Louth but my mothers family hail from Mohill.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 1st Jan 2024, 01:11PM
  • Hi Robyn,


    This website might help you with your search.  There's an Anne Stretton and her second marriage was to James Cooke...further information on the link below.


    There is another Stretton too in Cloone - James Story Stretton. If you click on the blue Pedigree box it goes back to a further generation.


    Hope it may be of help to you.

    Kind Regards, Grainne



    Grainne, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 11th Jun 2024, 10:04PM
  • Hi Grainne: Thanks for the extra information. Another breadcrumb to follow! I was just in Ireland last month and met with another of the volunteers in Leitrim. There are SO many Cookes and Strettons and it will take me some time to sort through to see if I can match any up to my known ancestors. As you know it is difficult with the lack of records before 1860. But I will persevere and appreciate the assistance.


    Sunday 16th Jun 2024, 08:48PM

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