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Hello, I'm looking for information on the family of Florence Danaher (b.abt 1854) and his wife, Ellen Murphy ( b. abt 1857).  They are my great grandparents.  There were 11 children.  Their daughter, Hannah (b.18 April1894), immigrated to America in 1912.  Hannah married Hugh Loughlin about 1917  and they had two children, one of which was my father, Hugh Loughlin (jr).   Unfortunately, Hannah contracted TB about 1924 and died in January 1928.  My dad  and his sister, Helen were raised mostly in foster homes and knew little of their parents' history, but he was so proud of being Irish.

In 1911, the Danahers lived in NewCastle West (125 Maiden St.).  Florence and Ellen were married on 2 May 1874  in parish Tournafulla, Newcastle.  Surname spelled "Daniher".  Since they had 11 children, I, (an only child), must have a cousin or two in Ireland.  Don't worry, I'm too old to be visiting, but would certainly love to learn any and all info about the ancestors and children of Florence and Ellen.

Thanks for any help or information anyone can provide, Maureen (Loughlin) Munn.


Saturday 4th Feb 2017, 04:46AM

Message Board Replies

  • Maureen:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Hopefully someone will see your message, recognize the family and comment.

    Here is a link to the online Irish phone book   which is only a partial list of Phone users. Make sure you use the Residential TAB. I entered Danaher County Limerick and there were two listings near Newcastle West.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 5th Feb 2017, 07:13PM
  • Maureen:

    I forgot to mention that the 125 in the 1911 census is not a traditional address. When RIC constables picked up the census forms from families, they assigned the house numbers in numerical order. So when he went to Maiden st. the first house visited was House 1, second house 2. Looks like your family was the 125th visited on that street.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 5th Feb 2017, 07:16PM
  • Attached Files

    Hello Maureen,

    It seems that we could be related. My Grandmother was Ita Danaher and she and my Grandfather Dennis Lenihan lived in the house in Maiden Street in Newcastle West when they married on 15th Feb 1919. They raised 8 of their 9 children there (Breda, Peggy, Jacky, Chrissy, Micky, Paddy, Anne & Terry (Ita Theresa) before moving accross to London in 1938, where their youngest son Danny was born.

    Being from such a large family, my Nanny Ita's story has intrigued us all over the years. We know that she was in service with her Mother when she was young.

    In any event, I now live in England and so I looked online to see what I could find out. I found an interesting Census document from 1911, which includes Florence Danagher at the address in Maiden Street.

    Hope it's a help to you and welcome to the family! :-)

    Julie Conway


    PS - Photo's of Ita Lenihan (Ni Danaher) attached. Sitting turned to face the camera wearing a mack. My Auntie Peg is sitting beside her holding the baby.  The photo was taken in London on VE Day and the other one was taken in Newcastle West. Also attached is one of my Mum (Chrissy Lenihan)



    Sunday 13th Aug 2017, 03:58PM

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