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I am a Great, Great Grandson of Edward Kelly and Bridgid Malley. Martin Kelly who has posted on this message board, is my nephew, a son of my late brother Michael. I wish to thank Martin for his research.

I would appreciate any additional information.

Is anyone aware of desendents of  Edward Kelly or Bridgid Malley living in the area of Lousibourgh, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. I was able to locate some of my mother's family (Cooney) in Rosecommon, near the Galway border. I was able to see what remains of there farm buildings. Some of his ansestors still work the same land. This was an extrordinary experience.   

Roger and Farther Long, I will be in Ireland the first week of June and could be in Louisbourgh on June 3. I would very much appreciate the oppertunity to meet one or both of you, if your schdedule permits.   

Please respond with any additional information you may have and your availability on June 3.

With Every Good Wish,

Austin Kelly

Chicago, IL USA 


Monday 23rd May 2016, 08:17PM

Message Board Replies

  • Austin:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I went back and found two prior messages from Martin Kelly and I assisted on one message and another volunteer, Col helped with the second message. Not sure who Farther Long is. Maybe there was a third message? In any event, I lived in the States (Baltimore) and Col is Australia so we will not be able to meet up. Have a wonderful trip!

    When you return, you may want to consider autosomal DNA testing.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 23rd May 2016, 09:55PM

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