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Hello, I have been searching for a possible location for the marriage and origins of Garrett Barry and Catherine Toner. To date I thought that I had found all the children of the marriage, but now there is a possibility that an earlier daughter Mary was born to the couple.  I have an extract from the Parish of Kells for a Mary Barry baptised and the parents are listed as Garrett Barry & Catherine Tole? the page is badly copied and I would like to know if there is a possibility that the surname has an additionl letter e as in Toler, which is more likely to have been mis interpreted from Toner?

If this was to be the case then there is also a posibility that the parents married at the same area, as the first son Michael was baptised in St Peter's, Drogheda July 1857 which is not far away.  Does anyone have access to the original registers or alternative scanned copies where the full entry can be read, or translations?


If these are real links then there may be other links to the Toner Family assuming that the brides parish was used as is traditional, or records of Garrett Barry, who would be about 20 years old as an estimate. Later they family had other sons in Belfast as they were street traders and very mobile, they may have come to the area bu rail as at that time the rail link from Dubil to Belfast had been completed.


Any help would be appreciated, thank you


Mike Barry


Wednesday 28th Sep 2016, 06:12PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mike:

    Welcome back!

    You have the original register so there is no other document that would show an additional letter. Roots Ireland transcribed the name as Tole just like you. Many of the registers have similar issues where you can't determine the name. I've had baptismal records for some of my ancestors with the same issue.

    I searched on three different data bases and could not find the marriage record.

    Sorry I could not be more helpful.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 28th Sep 2016, 06:56PM
  • Hello Roger,

    I have scanned through the library of Ireland images for Kells, and discovered that th RC church records are in a very poor condition so I'm not suprised that not all theinformation is available now.  I also looked through other post and found the local historical soc web page, I looked at the cemetary records and there were no Toner or Barry people there, I'll check out Griffith Valuation, I know there are both Barry & Toner in the Drogheda area so maybe thats a better bet.


    Thursday 29th Sep 2016, 09:41AM

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