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My Great Grandfather came to Liverpool at the end of the 19th/early 20th Century.  He could not read or write Irish or English.  The census returns I have show him as being born in Ballymote, Sligo and they have him listed as his name being JAMES MAYER.  However, this is not an Irish name and later research has shown his marriage certificate as having the name Maye - which makes much more sense.  He was born in or about 1871, but there is no birth certificate.  

The family story is that he was illegitimate and was given away to a farmer (who may have been related) who worked him very hard so he ran off.  He worked in labouring positions in Liverpool and ended as a plasterer's labourer.  It is said that he joined a building company (Doyle's?) who worked in Liverpool.  

He had quite a few children but only married in 1912, in St Michael's Catholic Church in Liverpool, to Alice Wynne, my great grandmother and a Protestant from a Welsh family.

I visited Sligo in April and went to the church in Ballymote, but the Priest was very busy that day and did not have time to chat as he was on his way to do Mass.  I was leaving shortly after so could not return.

Anybody know of anybody who knows?



Wednesday 16th Oct 2013, 12:59PM

Message Board Replies

  • Findmypast

    has a lot of James Maye information, from Tubercurry

    Don't know if they are the same person, but the surname seems to have been

    around Sligo.


    Jack Mc Donald


    Friday 18th Oct 2013, 08:24PM

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